Chapter 50 - Pink Coloured District

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A carriage ride brought us all to the outskirts of the Entertainment District where we walked the rest of the way, a stark contrast to the familiar streets near the Den. Here, everything was vibrant, opulent, and theatrical. The district was a mesmerizing display of wealth, allure, and glamour.

As we disembarked, the first thing that struck us was the stimulating hue that seemed to coat everything—the buildings, the cobblestone streets, and even the sky itself, tinted by the ever-present glow of numerous vibrant lights.

A sea of opulent buildings adorned with bright signs and shimmering lights stretched before us. The streets were alive with performers, vendors, and patrons seeking entertainment. Laughter and music filled the air, creating an illusion of grandeur.

The Entertainment District was a place that had sprung to life over two centuries ago, around the same time the underground markets for arcanists had begun their rise. It was also during this era that the Anti-Arcanist Law of 1686 came into effect, casting a shadow over our kind. The District had flourished amidst the chaos, providing a haven for those who wished to escape, albeit temporarily as enforcers continued to roam the streets.

Our group strolled through the vibrant streets, purposefully listening for any whispers or murmurs about the underground markets. Fleur, Lucas, Caius, and I observed the environment, taking in the extravagance, the lavish costumes of street performers, and the almost magical, reddish-pink glow that coated everything.

It was a district that beckoned you with its allure, promising excitement and escape from the mundane. But beneath the glamour, it concealed its own secrets, just as we concealed ours.

Fleur, the most experienced among us, took the lead. She glanced at Lucas and then at me, her gaze unwavering. "We need to cover more ground. Lucas, you take the eastern side of the district. Elias, you head west. Caius, you scout around this area here. Keep your eyes and ears open for any leads."

Lucas nodded without hesitation, his gaze lingering on me for a moment.

I hesitated for a moment, my gaze shifting to Caius, who had been enthralled by the vibrant surroundings. His eyes sparkled with curiosity, drawn to the entertainment and glamour that surrounded us.

Lucas spun around and started walking off already. "We'll meet back at the Red Anchor Bar in three hours," he said as he was already walking away into the pink-coloured district.

Eventually, I nodded towards Fleur in agreement. "Understood."

Caius snapped out of his momentary distraction from the bright lights and chimed in enthusiastically, "Aye, Captain Fleur! I'm on it."

His comical salute brought a chuckle from Fleur. "Alright, team. Let's get to work."

With our roles assigned, we each set off in different directions, the lively and extravagant Entertainment District surrounding us.

Momentarily I took a turn and glanced back towards the direction Fleur was taking. My thoughts lingered on the underground market's location. Back where we encountered King. I guess Fleur didn't want us going that way any further.

I pulled out my pocket watch and checked the time. Three hours from now, at 11:30 a.m., we were to reconvene at the Red Anchor Bar. My steps began to carry me further inland, into the heart of the district, and the sights, sounds, and environment around me continued to captivate me.

The Entertainment District was a sensory overload of extravagance, a place where indulgence knew no bounds.

The streets were lined with flamboyant performers, each vying for the attention of the passing crowds. Dancers twirled in elaborate costumes, and musicians filled the air with enchanting melodies. It was a world of opulence and decadence.

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