Chapter 5 - Sticks and Stones

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It was around eleven in the morning as we left the library, much the opposite of what I imagine back in my own world would be. If I still had my phone with me I could've checked but of course, it didn't end up coming with me. I figured nothing of mine had come with me since my clothing had even been changed.

The bustle of the town had started to pick up since earlier and the chill of the morning had subsided just a tad, despite the suggestion of summer on the horizon.


A light groan came from my stomach. I hadn't eaten since my last break during studying and did plan to eat once I got back home. But unfortunately, those plans didn't come to fruition.

"Somebody's hungry," Caius said as he replied to my stomach as we stood outside the library looking aimless.

Now how would I make some quick cash? I could nick something from one of the street vendors, but that could take a turn for the worse and it's not like me to do that. I do tend to think that I'd do anything to achieve success but am much more hesitant when it comes to breaking the law.

I started along the path down towards some of the new shops hoping to find something to light a bulb in my head. Still, with the faint footsteps behind me that I shouldn't acknowledge I could hear scruffy following me. He could offer me some advice and I'd be on my way.

"Ya know, I kinda owe you after earlier," Caius said on a whim.

I had just turned to question Caius and he had already started babbling nonsense.

"Actually food can be on me today, in fact, I know my way around here really well. I can get you anything so long as it's not too expensive. I can't go broke yet heh" Caius continued on looking quite chuffed with himself.

He doesn't need to pay me back, it was my stupid mistake to not take care of my new belongings. I'd rather owe it to myself to be better next time than get free handouts like that from him.

"I don't need your handouts, I can sort that out myself," I replied with a sigh.

"Suit yourself."

I paused in thought. I may not need food from him but a bit of information would do no harm.

"Do you know where I could sell a few things? A pawn shop, a marketplace, anything of the sort?" Surely I could sell my wallet at this point, it has no money, nor even a name inside. The only thing I'm keeping is the golden brooch.

"Yeah, I know a place. Down the street straight from the library and about a block past the bakery on Albon Street. I know the guy that works there, maybe I could tag along and show you around," Caius said enthusiastically.

Now that's a start, no need for this scruffy-haired kid anymore. I turned down towards my destination and started pacing along a little quicker to try and shake my tail.

"Hey, where's my thank you?"

Tap, tap, tap. Light footsteps still followed me as I went on my way, why can't he just take a hint and leave me be?

I never used to have this issue back home. The only time people really went out of their way to interact with me was at University, asking me questions only to benefit themselves. I wouldn't mind as that's how I believe it should be, always got to look out for number one.

As I approached a row of shops along the way, Caius stepped up to stand beside me more and reached to point out one of the stores.

'Sticks and Stones' the sign read above the entrance door. How tacky.

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