Chapter 21 - Missing Pages

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I followed Lucas into the report room, taking a seat at the empty desk beside him. The room was small and dimly lit, with a typewriter neatly placed on the desk up against the wall.

Lucas began typing with practised ease, his fingers dancing across the keys as he recalled the details of our investigation at Fritz's house. I watched closely, taking mental notes on the structure and language he used. He seemed to know exactly what to write and how to structure the report. I couldn't help but feel a pang of inadequacy as I struggled to keep up with his pace just watching him.

The first practical typewriter was made in 1868, much like the time that this world seemed to be similar to, or reminiscent to. Although it was much larger than the one that sat before both Lucas and I.

As he continued typing, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I could do better. I had spent years in the library back in my world, poring over textbooks and learning about history, language, politics and law. I had written countless essays and papers, and yet I still struggled to keep up just watching Lucas's efficiency and skill in report writing.

With a ding, Lucas returned the carriage to indicate the start of a new line. "All done," he said with a sigh as he pulled the page out and held it up to his face to skim over what he had written.

I glanced over Lucas's shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of the contents of the report. It was concise and detailed, summarizing the events at Fritz's house in a clear and organized manner. The report didn't mention the scroll, or any of the other conspicuous findings we had theorised as not only would Darius read this, but the government official too. Assumably from the Barros family.

Lucas stood up with the report in hand. "Let's go file this with Darius and that should be the job all done. Hopefully I can get my payment sooner than later," he said, gesturing for me to follow him out of the room.

We made our way down the hall and knocked on Darius's door for him to let us come in. He was sitting at his desk, surrounded by stacks of papers. He looked up as we entered.

"Ah, good work," he said with a smile, taking the report from Lucas and skimming through it with scouring eyes. "This is good... Exactly what you've investigated I presume? I'll be sure to send it off right away, the payment should come soon enough."

"Yes, we've covered all the details of our investigation," I replied, trying to sound confident.

Lucas grinned, clearly pleased. "Just doing my job," he said with a hint of smugness.

Darius nodded, placing the report on a stack of papers on his desk. "Well, good job, both of you," he said, his tone neutral. "Lucas, I have something for you to do, I'll need you to stick around. Eli, you can head out for the day. Just make sure to be back on time for your next shift tomorrow."

I thanked him and turned to leave, but Lucas blocked my way, a smirk on his face. I clenched my fists and just brushed past him to head out the door.

Before leaving I made sure to change back into my personal clothes—my simple suit with the red sash, leaving my work suit in a prepared garment bag. Back in the Victorian era, garment bags hadn't been made yet. To carry suits around, suitcases were the common option. This time, this new world had a one-up.

It was later in the afternoon. The warm sun glow contrasting against the cool winter air. Although it was wintertime, not a single spec of snow was to be seen. I had seen snow many times back home as I got to travel a lot to go snowboarding in the mountains even though I wasn't the greatest at it.

Adjusting my collar I walked a few blocks over to the library. With that new information I got today, I may be able to figure more out about this world.

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