Chapter 2

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Hey guys :) so I'm writing on my iPod today so if I have any spelling mistakes/errors that's why! Enjoy :) x


I opened my eyes, to find myself

laying in a mysterious place. It looked a bit familiar, but I just couldn't quiet get where I was. Thoughts rushed through my mind on how did I get here, when, WHERE AM I!! I was interrupted by the sound of a sweet Irish voice.

"Kahayla, are you awake hun?" He asked leaning over from his white as snow chair leaning against the wall.

"Yes I am, but would you mine telling me where I am?." I asked just getting the words to come out of my mouth.

"Your in the hospital hun" he replied. The hospital ! How the hell did I get here.

I moaned and rolled over to the other side of my uncomfortable bed.

"Would you like me to get your mother?" He asked with his beautiful accent. I didn't no who he was or where he came from but it felt like I new who he was.

"Yes please" I whispered.

And in less than 20 seconds I swear my mum came rushing through the door and have be a huge hug.

"OMG sweetie I'm so glad your okay, I have been worried ever since the ambulance had called." She said relieved

"Wait... What the ambulance?" I said very confused.

"Honey, don't you Remember? You were in a car accident." She said sounding quiet worried.

I felt sick. I was in a car accident. With who? So many thoughts rushing through my head. My head began to throb immensely.

"And honey I think you have some thanking to do. This young man here saved your life. He called the ambulance. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be alive right now." Mum said looking at the blonde headed man.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it, I didn't get your name though." I asked

"Your welcome honey anything for a beautiful young lady like you. And my names Niall, Niall Horan." He said with his gorgeous blue eyes staring right into mine. I blushed a bit.

"Wait, are you Niall from one direction?" I asked.

"Sure am honey!" He said with that beautiful smile of his.

"We'll what do you know, I've been saved by someone famous!" I struggled to laugh.

"We'll arnt you lucky to have a both famous and Irish lad come and save you!" He laughed along with myself, I didn't really have the energy to laugh, I was so tired

"honey do you remember anything? Like where you were going, and who you were with?" Asked mum butting in from our conversation.

"Mum I can't really remember anything right now, I really need some rest, if that's okay with you." I said yawning

"Sure honey we will leave and come back later with some food for you" mum said opening the door nob to leave the room with Niall.

Then something happened that i never thought would. I remembered where I was going. I was on my way to school. We had just passed a round about and I had told dad something. What was it I told him? Omgosh I just remembered, my mum was pregnant, that was the news.

I asked mum without any hesitation " mum..... where's dad?"


ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!! Sorrayy!! Anyways did you like it ?? Did ya did ya did yay well if you did comment please! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT??!! :O that's for me to know and for you to find out!! :) I'm evil!! Thanks for reading.


Maddi xx

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