Chapter 3

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I asked mum without any hesitation, "mum......... wheres dad?"

She stared at me for which seemed like hours. "shjes desajd"she whispered.

"Sorry mum?" i said confused

"He died Kat, he fell out of the window into a light post, there was no luck in saving him."

I swear to god my heart stopped beating. My dad had just died. It was all my fault. No more goodnight kisses, none of his comforting words he said to me everyday. He was gone, and thats it. I started balling my eyes out. Mum came and sat next to me squeezing my hand tight telling me everything is going to be okay. I could see she wasnt coping well either. I think i even saw a tear run down Nialls face.

"Mum, i want to go home, cant stay here anymore." i said in between my thousands of tears.

"Im so sorry Kahayla, i tried everything i could to help him come back to life, i really did." he said walking over to the bed beside me.

"Niall dont be sorry, you saved my life, and it wasnt your fault it was mine, i just shouldnt have told dad mum was pregnant." Just as it all came out of my mouth, i realised mum didnt know i new.

Niall looked at me as if i was going crazy.

"You knew Kahayla, you didnt bother telling me about it? THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IF IT WASNT FOR YOU." my mum said as my eyes began to swell up again.

She walked out and slammed the door behind her, I just stared at the door. HOW COULD SHE BLAME THAT ALL ON ME! MY FATHER JUST DIED I DONT THINK IM ANY HAPPIER THAN HER. 

Niall looked at me, his blue eyes just staring at me.

"Im so sorry honey, this never should have ended like this." 

"Niall you have saved my life, its not your fault that this happened, its mine if i hadnt have told my father none of the would have happened." I said letting it all out.

"Honey it was not your fault one bit, and your mum had no right to blame that on you."

"Thank you so much Niall, I appreciate everything you have done for me. I just feel horrible, i really just want to go home. Except I could never go home and face mum right now." I said just staring up at the clear sealing. 

"You can come home with me Kat, I have a huge apartment you can stay there for as long as you want sweetie." Niall said smiling at me.

"I would love to Niall, thank you so much." I couldn't believe how nice he was being, offering me a place to stay and i didnt even know him! 

"Okay hun, ill just go ask the nurse to release you and ill sign all the papers." He said walking out the door.

I sighed of relief. What a day it has been, things possibly couldnt get any worse. While i was in the middle of my day dream, a sexy voice aka Niall's, interrupted me. 

"Hun the nurse said she has already got everything ready for you to leave, so when ever your ready im ready!" He said with a small jump.

"Well what are you waiting for lets get the hell out of here!" I said relieved to get out of this place! 

I hoped out of bed realising that i actually wasnt that stable! I started to wobble when i felt someone hold my hips and push me back up. A trillion butterflies flying in my stomach.

"Careful hun!" Niall said laughing.  I joined in feeling like i was back to being myself again. 


Niall's POV

We walked out of those big hospital doors which i for one was happy to get out of!  I opened the car door for Kahayla and she muttered a thank you. I cant even believe what this girl has gone through in just 1 day. She was in a car crash, her father died and her mum walked out on her like that! The least i could do was offer her a place today. 

The car trip was silent until we got out to our flat. I opened the door welcome Kat to my fat. Well not exactly mine, i had to share it with the boys of course. Im guessing the boys were upstairs cause i couldnt hear them!

"Wow this is huge!" Kat said not looking in one place for even one second.

"Thats what you get when your this famous!" We both giggled. She had a beautiful laugh, followed by her pure white teeth. 

Tthe boys must have heard me because i could hear the footsteps of them all running down the stairs!





"Yes guys its me im home!" I said as the boys were totally hipo! I heard a giggle behind me realsing that Kat was actually here!

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Nialler where you be................ Kahayla?" Harry said.



HAIIIIII guyss!! Sorray cliffhanger!! ALSO KAT S JUST SHORT FOR KAHAYLA SO YA! How r u liking the story so far? Long Chapter for u guys, cause i dont wanna do homework! Anywhoo!! Go read my biffles story called "The Plan" Its really good and funnayy!! >>>>>> Her name is HarrysSavior <<<<<<. So comment what you think below guys and next update will be soon! 



Purple apples and pink banana's! XD                      

3X << my best friend impression of a smiley face! Love u Kat :D 

Maddi xx

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