Chapter 9

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Hey everyone!

Here is chapter 9. I hope I can get some more reads this time round. Tell all your friends!



"Mum?" Niall said.

"Niall what is going on for Christ sakes, who is this murderer your talking about, if you are even thinking about going and doing such a think Nia....."

"MMMUUUUUUMMMMM" Niall said running up the rest of the stairs, and flinging his arms around his mother probably just to shut her up.

We were that stupid! We both knew Niall's mum was coming over! I can't believe that! I'm so silly!

"And hello there young lady, is this your girlfriend you brag about every time I call you Niall!?" Maura asked.

"Mum!" Niall said blushing.

"Haha yes!" I said beginning to blush as well.

Niall and I had been dating for 2 weeks now probably, and everything is perfect. Our love for each other grows stronger everyday as my love for my mother weakens everyday. We are both inseperetable. (*I hope that's a word!*)

"Well you make sure you let me know if he's being a pain otherwise he'll be getting a 'what for.'" She said as I laughed.

"Mum, I'm going to show you where your room is, follow me." Niall said as his mother followed him. I could tell he was a little annoyed but he'd get over it.

Niall must have showed his mum where her room was because he came out looking so much better.

"Sorry about that, what a weird night!" Niall said coming and placing himself on the couch beside me.

"It was awesome Niall from Sizzlers to your mother. That whole 'murderer' situation was hilarious!" I said as we laughed.

"We're so stupid!"

"Hahaha that's what I said!

"What a full on night, gosh arnt you tired!" Niall said letting out a huge sigh.

"Yes! I think I might go to bed."

"I won't be far behind you babe!"

"Goodnight Niall thank you for everything! I love you." I said giving Niall a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too my baby girl."

"Would you two stop having a kissing fest and go to sleep it's 11 o'clock!" Yelled Maura

Well that wasn't just a tad embarrassing!

"Mum we were perfectly fine down here, if you didn't want to see us kiss ONCE, I REPEAT ONCE then don't come down here!" Niall answered back.

"I'm leaving, love u babe." I whispered to Niall as I ran upstairs getting away from all the arguing!

I walked into my room and could not be happier to see my bed! I just couldn't be bothered getting in the shower, so I put on some deodorant and put on my pajamas. I brushed my teeth and I plopped onto that bed and It never felt so good. I moved my legs and arms around to find a comfortable position. Just when I was in a nice position I realised the blankets were at the end of my bed. I sighed as I new I would have to move otherwise I would freeze. But maybe not! My night in shining armor, well maybe not because he was in his pajamas but still, came in.

"Haha your comfy arnt you!?" Niall asked.

"Yes why?"

"Because your blankets at the end of your bed and you haven't moved to get it."

"Do you read my friggen mind??" I asked as we laughed.

"Haha yes I do gorgeous!" He said grabbing my sheet and pulling it over the top of me.

"Ahhhhhhh that's so much better thank you!"

"No worries!"

"Now your going to have to give me a kiss cause I can't move my head." I laughed.

"Do I have to, REALLY? Haha nah just joking I would kiss you all day if I could." He said giving me a kiss.


"Now goodnight my princess you need your beauty sleep although your already beautiful."

"Mmwwaahhh I love u!" I said and he closed the door.

And with that I went to sleep daydreaming about me and Niall having kids. Yeah, yeah i no its a bit early, BUT I CAN DREAM!

It was just my luck that I talked in my sleep, because only a few minutes later Niall had to walk back into my room and tell me that I had been sleep talking again. Don't you just love it!?

"Omg, im so sorry, shame."

"Hahaha its okay babe cya tomorrow!" he said giving me yet another kiss and closing the door.

2 seconds later the door open AGAIN!

"And babe just for the record, i dont really want to have kids with you, sorry." And with that he shut the door.

He w-wa -what. Hhe ddoesnt wwant tto hhave kkids wwith mme. I was appsolutly shattered. How could he say something like that. I was about to cry when i heard the door open for the billionth time today, SOMEONE JUST LEAVE IT OPEN!

"Babe, April Fools!"

I am so dumb......


Hahahehe :3 how cute! LERL I decided not to do a cliffhanger. Kinda :3

Unedited chapter. Again.

How loved up are Kat and Niall!? Heaps loved up, but will that last?! :O

TEEHEE Cliffhanger in the authors notes!

I know that April Fools finishes after 12, but in this story it finishes at 12 at night ! :3

Comment below what you think about this chapter. I know it's short and I'm really sorry but bear with me! It won't be like this forever!


Also guys I'm going away for 6-7 weeks on the 9th, and I probably won't be able to update. Maybe when I have wifi at the hotels I will! I might update before I go :3

Well I guess Ill talk to you next chapter :3 ily!





Maddi and her pink apples x


Sometimes I like watching people trip, and watch them look around to see if anyone saw them. I saw you buddy.


Most people want a perfect relationship, I want a cheeseburger that looks like the ones in the commercials.


Remember when 'shut up' was a bad word. " OH MY GOSH YOU SAID THE 'S' WORD!"

Comment please! X

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