Chapter 27

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Pieces of wooden twigs and dried leaves snapped and crumbled under my feet. Streaks of light seeped through the abundance of trees. I breathed in the natural scent of dirt, wood, and leaves, sighing in peace. I enjoyed walking through the woods to Herlina's house.

I was so glad I wandered through these woods a couple weeks ago after my dad had slapped me for accidentally tipping his beer. I hadn't realized it was on the ground as I walked past him while he sat on the couch and watched the television. Not wanting him to see me cry, I ran out the door and into the woods.

He didn't even yell after me to come back.

He didn't even care.

It was at times like those where I missed my mom the most. I didn't think I would ever understand how she left without a goodbye. All I remembered is waking up on my ninth birthday on a Saturday and not seeing her in my room with a smile on her face like she did my previous birthdays. We didn't have enough money for me to have gifts or cake on my birthday, but that didn't matter to me. My mom's morning hug and smile was all I needed.

Sunday, she wasn't there. Or even Monday.

When Sunrise had given me a cupcake and a bracelet, she'd made me feel better. Her presence took away all the pain of missing my mom.

I thought my mom and I were close. I always thought she loved me. Maybe she did in her own way.

Herlina's white house came into view through the trees and my heart thumped with excitement. I couldn't wait to see her. Being around her made me forget about all the negative things I'd gone through. She was the only positive thing in my life and she outshined the bad parts. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to never see her or talk to her. I needed her like the air I breathed.

Gripping the straps of my backpack filled with my dirty clothes, I ran the list few meters to her house. I didn't know why Herlina told me to pack my filthy laundry, but I listened anyway.

Walking up to the window from the living room of her house, I stood beside the wall remembering I couldn't let her parents see me. I knew Herlina's parents didn't like me at all. She had tried many times to tell me that wasn't the case, they simply didn't know me well enough to make a valid judgement. But, a part of me felt like her parents wouldn't like me even if they knew me. I was a poor, skinny kid who even though tried to stay clean to the best of his abilities, was still dirty and gross like the kids at school called me.

A sense of guilt tended to arise in my chest at the idea that I was hanging out with Herlina behind her parents back, but the need to be with her overturned those feelings. I peeked inside and found her alone on the couch watching television. She laughed at whatever was on the screen and I felt in paradise. Herlina continued to smile and then lifted her feet on the couch to get more comfortable. I could honestly watch her all day every day and never get tired.

Suddenly, her eyes met mine and a bigger and brighter smile enhanced her beautiful face. Brighter than the one she gave to her T.V.

I grinned back.

Leaping off the couch, she ran toward me opening the window. She looked behind her making sure her parents weren't near and turned back to me.

"Hi Brevin." Her olive-green eyes looked like they sparkled.

"Hi Sunrise."

"Did you bring your clothes?" She spoke softly.

I spun around so she could see my backpack and nodded. Then I leaned in close to her. I inhaled the peachy scent of her and smiled.

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