Chapter 15

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Ostricized. That was the word I'd use to describe my social status at school. Where once everybody would give me smiles and acknowledge my presence with warmth, in its place sat bitter resentment and hostile side glances.

It took one day for word to spread like wildfire which I knew was inevitable. But I hadn't expected to feel so much hate. I had hoped that some people would've understood the type of person I was and how I would never be capable of doing something so malevolent.

But people didn't truly know me. Presley didn't believe the rumors, but it hurt to have people give her similar treatment simply because she was hanging around me. It was as if my actions indirectly defined her.

Even if the rumors weren't true, it didn't feel right for me to taint the way others saw Presley. It made me feel guilty.

As we sat in the courtyard eating tacos, a few others loittered the rest of the tables. I sighed as I rubbed my palms on my black leggings.

"What's wrong?" Presley took a large bite from her taco.

I shook my head with a self-depricating smile. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe that the whole school is treating my five foot two self like a convict who escaped prison."

Presley rolled her eyes. "I thought you were five foot one?"

Grabbing a piece of lettuce, I chucked it at her as she laughed and I laughed along with her.

Then, I furrowed my brows. "Presley, you know, if you don't want to hang out with me at school, I wouldn't blame you."

Presley narrowed her eyes and grabbed a piece of corn before flicking it at my face. "Herlina, are you serious? If people want to hate on me, let them. I don't care what anybody else thinks. I know what everybody is saying isn't true, you're my best friend and that's what matters."

I frowned. "But, it's not fair to you."

"A lot of things in life aren't fair. But like my nana always says, whatever unfair things life throws at you, you can't just quit. You can't be ruled by fear and negativity." Presley finished the last bite of her taco. "I'm pretty sure she got that off of a Hallmark gift card."

I laughed. "You're the best."

Presley shrugged casually. "I know. Also, you going to finish those tacos or can you give them to me?"

I swatted her hand away as it neared my food. Feeling more light-hearted brought back some of the appetite that I thought for sure was gone.


Slinging my douffle-bag over my shoulder, I made my way toward the gym for our after school volleyball warm-up before the actual game.

Feeling my phone buzz in the front pocket of my sweatshirt, I checked my notifications.

Milo: Are you okay? I heard what happened at the Elk Grove High Halloween party at some huge mansion.

I half-smiled, feeling flattered at Milo's worry.

Me: Yeah, I'm fine.

Pressing my lips together, I typed another response and hit send.

Me: Do you hate me like everyone else?

Not even seconds passed by before he answered.

Milo: No. I know you. So I don't believe what people are saying actually happened.

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