Ch. 1

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A/N's pov:
Standing near his favorite river with his eyes closed, Jungkook's hands were shocked in his pockets as he let the cold breeze hit his face. His eyes were closed..... He just wanted to calm himself down... He just wanted peace after having so much stress due to his work. It was night time... And the only place which calms him down is his favorite river where he used to visit with his late mother when he was a kid.

He was lost in his thoughts as he felt his body relaxed.

There were no people around him or that place as it was quite late and everyone had fallen asleep

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There were no people around him or that place as it was quite late and everyone had fallen asleep. Jungkook was so lost in his thoughts that he did not even realize that he was only few cm away from falling into the river.

Suddenly, Jungkook came back to his senses when he heard a voice of a female...

???: Sir, you're gonna fall down in the river if you don't step backwards.

Jungkook opened his eyes and maintained his cold expression before turning around. Jungkook's eyes slightly went wide but quickly hid it. In front of him, you were standing. Jungkook looked at your innocent big doe deep chocolate colored eyes.

You had a pretty milky/brown(imagine your real skin tone) skin. You were wearing a baby pink top with black trousers yet you looked like a goddess. Your long black, silly hair was left opened, making you look like an angel. It was more like an angel was standing in front of him...

On the other hand, you felt a weird feeling building up in you when your eyes met his mesmerising dark orbs, which were piercing through your soul. You saw his well-sculpted face with a perfect, sharp jaw line which you wanted to trace on with your fingers. His veiny, muscular, tattooed hands ready to choke anyone. He had a sharp killer look with his eye brow piercing and lip piercing making him look overwhelmingly breathtaking.

Jungkook: *cold* Why do you care miss?

Jungkook: *cold* Why do you care miss?

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Y/N: Uhh... Maybe it's humanity?

Jungkook: *scoffs* What are you doing here miss?

You walked and stood beside him after shrugging your shoulder and replying...

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