Ch. 7

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A/N's Pov:
Three days later...

Jungkook: Damn it! Why the hell isn't she picking up my calls?

Looking at his phone, Jungkook sighed out of frustration because you were not answering or responding to any of his calls or texts

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Looking at his phone, Jungkook sighed out of frustration because you were not answering or responding to any of his calls or texts...

Jungkook: Is she mad at me or what?

Jungkook questioned himself....

At YuJin's cafe....

YuJin: Y/N, I can't believe uncle and aunty are doing this. Like seriously? Shin company? They are one of the richest companies in S. Korea. Just because your parents want to get closer to the Shins they just made you agree to marry Shin's son, Jiwoo?

Sitting with your head down... You looked emotionless... When your parents requested you to marry Jiwoo, you didn't have any other choice but to agree because you loved your parents a lot and never denied them.

Thinking your parents just wanted the best for you, you agreed but when you said yes, all of a sudden your heart and mind was only on Jungkook. You didn't know why but you were not happy with the marriage... Was it because you started developing feelings for Jungkook or was it because your parents decided your marriage with someone you barely know or without thinking about your feelings....

YuJin: Have you informed this to that Kook guy?

You shook your head as no....

YuJin: Why not?

Y/N: I don't know.... I just want to be alone for some time...

YuJin: Don't you want him to come?


YuJin: *sighs* Your silence answered me..... Yah! Jang Y/N! You can still deny this marriage, you know? For once think about your feelings. What do you feel like doing?

Y/N: I can't YuJin....I never denied my parents. They always have high hopes for me. It's like.... My brother and I are like golden child to them who never denied them.....

YuJin: Y/N, can we please just accept that you love JK? Like literally, so many things happened between you two. JK even saved you when you were having Astrophobia. He even joined you with the kids.

Y/N: But YuJin, he likes someone....

YuJin: *shocked* WHAT?

Y/N: I asked him once and he said he likes someone but didn't tell me the name....

YuJin: So do you have any feelings for him??

Y/N: M-maybe.... But it's too late. He likes someone and I'm getting married in four days...


Jungkook: How long are you gonna avoid me?

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