Ch. 2

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A/N's Pov:

The Next Day...

YuJin: So, you met that guy only once for few hours and had a great time talking, enjoyed each other's company but you're telling me you don't like him and nothing romantic happened?

Y/N: Hmm...

Sitting in front of your best friend at her cafe while sipping your cappuccino, you were talking to her about Jungkook...

YuJin: *gasps* You don't like that guy?

Y/N: mmmm I don't know. I mean how can I fall for someone I just met?

YuJin: Ughh, bestie! Just think, last night, y'all talked to each other feeling safe as if y'all know each other and he didn't even like try to do any mischievous stuff like other fvckboys would do... Instead, he even gave you his blazer to cover up yourself, why? Because you were feeling cold and he cared. So that totally makes sense that he likes you.

Y/N: Cmon YuJin, he's a good guy for which he helped me. That doesn't mean he likes me. And I don't even know him properly so how can I fall for him?

YuJin: Aish, Y/N. This is totally love at first sight.

Y/N: Whatever.

YuJin: Did you ask where he lives?

Y/N: No. But I think he lives in a good house as he's a businessman.

YuJin: Wow! He must be quite rich then. Bestie, I'm telling you, this. Is. Love. A young handsome businessman like him comes to a river to relax himself and ends up meeting a girl and instantly falls for her? Then he is like he can't live without that girl. He's going insane for her and wants her at any cost. Then he finally found her in a rainy day and they both get to his house and- Ouch!

Y/N: Stop talking rubbish, YuJin!

You said after smacking her head who was in her imagination.

YuJin: *giggles* Alright, alright! But I'm telling you, you should go to the river again. Who knows, he might show up.

Y/N: *rolls eyes* As if he would.


Y/N: Wow you actually showed up...

Turning around, his dark orbs met your innocent ones.

There he was, standing with his arms crossed over his chest

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There he was, standing with his arms crossed over his chest. His cold eyes softened as soon as he saw you. You were taken aback when you saw his breathtaking face. Those dominating dark orbs, those kissable lips with a mole under his lips which was like a cherry on a cake.

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