Ch. 9

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A/N's Pov:
Wedding day...

Looking at the mirror after getting your makeup done, you looked at your face, eyes filled with no joy... Only sadness, pain, dejected, despair and many more which was beyond anyone's expectations....

It was you wedding day and you should be happy but your mood was not into it at all. It was all blue, gloomy.... Were you even happy with this marriage? After what happened with you and Jungkook, he did not contact you since nor you've heard anything from him.... Guess he never truly loved you...

YuJin was sitting beside you, put her hand on your shoulder and said....

YuJin: How long are you gonna stay like this, bestie? Today is the day you're getting married.... Your life is going to change. And that Jiwoo guy doesn't look that bad either. I know whatever that Jungkook did to you about lying his real identity and stuff, it was not acceptable at all. And, you have the right to be furious at him. Take your time and try your best to move on.... Forget Jungkook and move on with Jiwoo....

YuJin's right.... I can't stay like this forever... It's my wedding.... I must stay happy... Even though my mind is still on Jungkook..... No, Y/N! Stop thinking about him. It is what it is.... I'm marrying Jiwoo, my real fiance.... You thought.

You took a deep breath and looked at YuJin....

Y/N: You're right, YuJin. I don't have to stay sad for this reason... I believe..... I will have a better life with.... Good memories with my husband...

YuJin: That's the spirit!

*knock knock*

You and YuJin both looked at the door... Somewhere in your heart, you thought it would be Jungkook but it wasn't as your father just entered the room...

You both stood up as your father walked towards you...

Y/d: *smiles* My daughter is looking, gorgeous!

Y/N: Thank you, dad.

Y/d: It's time for us to go, dear. Are you ready?

You slowly nodded and wrapped your hands around your dad's arm and started to walk followed by YuJin...

You lowered your head as you walked towards the white carpet, filled with rose petals till the stage... You kept staring down, not wanting to see anyone while the guests stood up from their seats, staring at you with a smile...

You have met Jiwoo at dinner night, the same night where Jungkook met you after you ignored him... He looked like a decent guy, well dressed with a good looking face....

You still didn't look up and you gripped on your flower boquet a bit tightly when your dad extended your hand forward for Jiwoo to take it.

This is it... Stop thinking about Jungkook, Y/N....You don't love him. You only hate him You thought.

You felt a cold hand grab yours....You felt a weird feeling as if you knew this touch but then you assumed it was Jiwoo as your dad spoke....

Dad: Take care of my daughter, son.

Saying this, your dad walked away from you and stood beside your mom as you stood in front of your to be fiance... His hand still holding yours...

Priest: We may start the wedding. Do you..... Jeon Jungkook, take Jang Y/N as your lawfully wedded wife and promise to always take care of her till your last breath and stay by her side during her illness, sadness, happiness and many more and promise to never leave her side?

JUNGKOOK!?!?!? WHAT?? You thought.

You immediately looked up and got an eternal shock!

In front you, there he was.... Standing with his usual handsome face. His big doe, piercing black eyes stared at yours disbelief ones. His peaceful, soft smile lingered on his face as he said...

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