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In the mystical land of green hills that consistent of high mountains, green grass and tall healthy palm trees. A blue light then runs by and passes big the cat and froggy on his head, spinning they both. The blue light, revealing himself as sonic the hedgehog, runs back and stops the big cat from spinning.

"Sorry big, sorry froggy. Can't chart, gotta go help our friends!". Sonic said, before running off again.

Big smiles and waved at the blue hedgehog. "No problem, sonic!".

Froggy croaked.

"Home is where your friends and family are, as they say".

Sonic continues his run and winks at the viewers as a flash show a memory of Amy and his friends and sister having a picnic under a palm tree.

"And that's green hills, where the best beaches, palm trees and chilli dogs are just a tip of the ice berg".

Another memory shows tails flying his airplane as amy seats in the back while knuckles and stella ride on each wing of the plain.

"We've saved this place a million times from this doofus".

A memory shows Dr eggman laughing maniacally.

"And then there's shadow".

Shadow falls from the sky and lands on the ground, crushing a boulder.

"It's complicated. We're on him later".

The gang are on top of A loop-de-loop, looking off at a distance.

"The fact is we never lose!".

Sonic continues to run as he passes a large crater with a damaged machine in it releasing smoke and runs up a mountain.

"Cuz when you've got a crew like mine, there's nothing that can stop you!".

Sonic made it to a cave on top of the mountain.

"Hay guys! I made it!".

His fighting stance friends and sister glare at him. "YOU'RE LATE!".

"Sonic?". Up ahead stood Dr eggman, who turned around to look at sonic, who was glaring back at him.


"Just in time to watch me claim the paradox prism and transform your disgustingly green world into something more . . . Me". Eggman smirks from behind the huge paradox prism with his robot badniks by his side as he began laughing like a mad man.

Sonic jumps off the entrance and lands on the ground and pretends to yawn.

"Yawn". His friends and sister stand by his side, all ready for battle. "Yep, I yawned you, eggman".

Eggman gritted his teeth and pointed at the sonic gang. "Crush them all!".

The robots charges at the team as they do the same. Sonic spin dash some robots, knuckles punched some, rouge kick some, tails blast some with his invention, amy smash some with her hammer, and stella rip some apart with her blades. Sonic continues to fight the robots until a giant bug robot hit him, releasing some of his rings.

"Sonic!". Tails cried, catching the blue hedgehog in the air.

"Yo tails". Sonic greeted, spinning himself to crash into some robots and lands beside knuckles and joins him in fighting. "Knuckles, you okay buddy?".

"Nothing flusters me, sonic". Knuckles catches a bee robot and smashed it away before turning away from sonic. "Except when you're late".

The ehcinda runs off to fight more badniks and sonic smile at him, unaware of a giant bug robot heading for him from behind, until rouge karate kicked it away.

"Thanks rouge". Sonic waves.

"Don't mention it. Literally ". She said, flying off to deal with more robots.

Amy runs and leaps into the air then crushed a robot with her hammer, then leaps again and caught the robot's head, releasing some birds that were trapped inside, before sonic ran over and leaned against the robot head.

"Amy!". He smirked.

Amy smiled. "Sonic, where have you been?".

"Got a little side tracked". He said, before spin dashing away and used a rock for a boost into the air.

He smashed a couple of badniks before kicking one over to amy, who smashed it with her hammer.

Stella crushes a robot with her iron gloves and roundhouse kicked one from behind her before blasting one with her lasers. Sonic runs over and joined her in fighting.

"Hay lit sis!". He greeted

"Sonic, what took you so long?". She jumps over a robot for sonic to punch it into pieces. "You're never this late. You're literally the fastest thing alive".

"Let's just say I had a little problem on the way here. That problem being shadow". Sonic quickly ducks for his sister to blast some robots with her lasers.

"Shadow? Ugh, what does that guy wants this time".

Sonic shrugged. "Beats me. But we'll talk about this later okey?".

Sonic grabs stella's hands and spinned her around before letting her go into the air, for her to punch through some badniks with her gloves.


"Get that rock out of the ground!". Eggman command his digging robots that were trying to dig out the giant colourful crystal that was zapping them back, much to he's dismay.

"You want something done, do it yourself". He mumbled, jumping into his giant robot body.

Meanwhile, sonic spin dashes over to tails blasting the robots away and joins in punching them.

"Sonic, we don't know what the prism is capable of. Be careful". Tails warned, as sonic spin dashes away.

Amy runs, swinging her hammer. "If eggman wants it, it can't be good".

"Esspecaly if it's a shiny mystical rock kept away in a hidden cave for ages". Stella added, blocking an attack with her gloves before punching the robot into pieces.

"Got it!". Sonic said, zooming towards eggman, who used his robot hand to grab the prism. "Step away from the rock, egghead".

"Not this time you fool!". Eggman began to tug on the paradox prism.

Sonic continues to run and ran pass stella, who had just finished taking care of her share of the robots and looked at sonic before looking ahead at the paradox prism sparking and noticed something wasn't right as her eyes glowed for a second.

"Oh no". She quickly runs after her older brother. "Sonic, stop!".

Sonic didn't listen and spin dashes at eggman.

"Sonic wait!". Tails yelled, also noticing something was wrong, but sonic ignored him.

"SONIC! NO!". Amy, rouge, stella, tails and knuckles yelled, before they were sent flying back by an explosion that took place after sonic made contact with the prism.

Stella managed to see her friends disappearing into the light but kept a grip on her brother before everything went black.

SONIC AND STELLA PRIMEWhere stories live. Discover now