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~Before prism shatter~

On top of a mountain in Greenhills, knuckles, Amy, Stella, tails and rouge are busy fighting Dr eggman's robot badniks.

"Where's sonic?". Asked the red ehcinda punching various bee badniks. "How long does it take to collect rings? I thought we were doing this together!".

Amy smashes a badnik with her hammer then runs and smashes another one, before looking up to see some bug badniks heading her way. "Sure would be nice if he'd stick to the plan".

She smashes another big badnik but was hit by one that threw her to the ground. The pink hedgehog got up and watched as the badnik approached her until it was kicked away by the flying white bat.

"Tell me about it. No gem is worth me losing my wings".

Rouge kicked some more badniks.

Stella punched a badnik before spin dashing three off the mountain.

"Sonic isn't one to be late. It could be possible that he landed into some sort of trouble on his way".

A badnik approached her from behind but she backflips over it and shot it with her lasers. A bee badnik charges at her but luckily it was blasted into bits by a flying gizmo as it flew back to it's controller making it to shoot more robots.

"Don't worry, guys, sonic will show. I know he will". Tails then got a worried look as he looks at his gadget blasting the badniks. "I just hope it's in time".

From below the mountain, sonic saw an explosion taking place and got worried.

"Oh no. My friends! Stella! Look, shadow, I'm late-".

Sonic turned to the dark hedgehog, only to receive a punch in the face and got a little dizzy as birds flew around his head.

"Learn to focus". Said the ultimate life form before sonic got a idea as he snapped out of it and gasp.

"Oh no! Eggman!". He pointed to the back of shadow.

"Huh?". The red eyed hedgehog turned and saw nothing.

Before he could turn back, sonic spin dashes him into rocks before running away.

"Hate to hit and run, but I gotta split, shadow".

The blue hedgehog runs towards the mountain as he collected rings on the way.

Meanwhile, the ground starts to shake before shadow busted out of the rocks. He growled and shook his head before skating off towards the mountain as well. He runs pass big the cat and froggy on his head, spinning them around until the purple cat landed on his butt.


Shadow runs past the huge crater with the damaged machine inside and skates up the mountain while spin dashing through boulders.


~Back to the present~

Stella struggles to break free but the hedgeroid's hold on her was too strong.

"Terminate". Rusty rose said, before throwing a mechanical fist at the light blue hedgehog.

Suddenly the pink hedgeroid's fist starts glitcheing as it is a inch away from the blue eyed hedgehog's face. Wonderful why she wasn't hit yet, Stella opens her eyes and turned to see rusty glitcheing as her robot eye kept flashing from red to yellow.

Nine continued to type as the screen shows rusty's whole form turning from red to green.

"Now paired".

SONIC AND STELLA PRIMEWhere stories live. Discover now