It's a little twisted.

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The idea of putting hundreds of hormonal blood bags into one contained space was impressively sadistic and twisted, however living through that hell was not the type of torture I wished for. I watched as my twin pulled our brother from the locker he had been stuffed inside, I twitched my eyebrow up and made my way to them, only to be cut off by the cheerleading team.

"I have somewhere to be, excuse me." I stated, trying to get around them.

"We actually wanted to speak to you about the stunt you pulled earlier." Tiffany commented.

I smirked lightly, recalling their screams of terror that morning when I set the scorpions loose in the changing rooms, "I thought you would appreciate the company."

I watched behind them as Wednesday stood and stalked away from Pugsley, leaving him tied down on the floor, I again went to walk past them, but this time Tiffany grabbed my arm, I looked down at her hand and back up with a cocked eyebrow.

"Would you like to lose that hand?" I asked, brushing it off my arm.

"What are you going to do, freak?" She taunted, making her following of morons laugh.

"You'll see." I whispered, brushing past them all to Pugsley.

I knelt down beside him and started to untie the knots around his wrists, "You are weak and are going to be eaten alive at this rate."

"Wednesday told me something similar." He pouted.

"Maybe you might actually listen now then. Which way did she go?" I asked.

"Towards the gym." He nodded.

I stood quickly and made my way towards the gym as well, seeing Wednesday pulling something from the cupboard, "I hope you are planning something truly deviant?"

She turned around and fixed me a with a fond glare, "It pains me you would think any less of me."

I smirked at her answer, "I would love to help, I believe I could add something shocking to the mix."

She smirked back at me, already knowing what I was thinking of doing.

Later in the day myself and Wednesday walked into the swimming pool, seeing the whole jock team in the pool, they spotted us quickly, "Hey this is a closed practice, freaks."

"The only people allowed to torture our brother, is us." Wednesday declared, moving her hands from behind her back.

She held up the two bags of red bellied piranhas, she poured the bags into the pool, we watched as the team squirmed and screamed their way from the water, their screams intensifying as the water washed red. Wednesday looked towards me as they were rushing around, I pushed my hand into the water surrounding the pool, leading straight to their feet, I took a deep breath, "Concussa."

I watched as they fell to the floor, volts of electricity flashing through them, I stood up and wiped my hand on my skirt, I smirked at their flailing bodies, the piranhas still jumping from the water to try and finish their meals.

"A plan perfectly executed, Wednesday." I praised.

"It was truly a shocking finish, Valdis." She summarised.

"There is one more thing I must attend to before we leave this vile place."

She nodded and made her way to go and retrieve Pugsley from whatever class he was sleeping in, I made my way down to the gymnasium, I heard the irritating and nauseating sound of school spirited chants coming from the large room. I crept into the room, behind the bleachers, I outstretched my hand and whispered, "Incendia."

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now