A Poe-Cup to remember

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The day was finally here, everything was set, Thing was in position, Bianca Barclay was not winning this year, I met Wednesday and Enid outside the tent we were using for the day, Enid was already in her black cat outfit, the stitching done in a neon pink. She then informed us that we also had costumes to change into, I tied my hair up into a high ponytail and squeezed myself into the outfit, when we excited the tent, Enid was waiting for us, "OMG, you both look purr-fect."

"We look ridiculous." I grumbled.

"Where are your whiskers?" She asked, pouting slightly.

"Ask again and you will be down to eight lives." Wednesday threatened.

We settled ourselves in to the boat, seeing Bianca to our right, and then Xavier's team, dressed as jesters, to the other side of us, Bianca called out to us, "What do we have here? The runts of the litter."

"For the record, we don't believe we are better than everyone else." Wednesday stared.

"Just that we are better than you." I finished.

I looked over and saw Xavier smile at me, obviously having heard our comments, Principal Weems started talking over the loudspeaker, "I want to welcome you all to this year's Edgar Allen Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from the Crackstone Crypt and hustle back without being sunk. The first team back with their flag, wins the Poe Cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges. Let the Poe Cup begin!"

There was a gunshot and we were off rowing, all the teams were yelling, trying to get the lead to the Island. I heard Xavier yell and chuckle as he passed by, as the fourth team came up beside us, one of them leant down, I noticed the large axe on the side of the boat before anyone else, "Down!"

We all ducked down as the axe swung over our heads, I glared over at the people in the boat, the boat beside us was then pushed through the water, towards one of the red buoyant, shattering the boat in half and sending all the rowers into the water. Wednesday and I shared a brief look before Wednesday pulled out her telescope, seeing Kent in the distance, she looked down to Thing, "You know what to do."

Thing hit the small leaver beside him, casting a net down into the water, trapping Kent inside of it. Ahead of us the Jokers had already made it to the shore, we weren't too far them, I watched as Xavier and Ajax took off into the woods. When we got to the shore, me and Wednesday jumped out the boat, Enid went to get out but Wednesday stopped her, "Stay here, make sure Bianca doesn't mess with the boat."

"Use claws if you must." I called out, already running.

We ran through the woods, easily locating the crypt, as we were running up Xavier and Ajax were running back down, as they passed us Xavier shouted out, "Later, girls!"

We ignored them and Wednesday went up to grab the flag, she touched the crypt at the same time, I watched in horror as her head threw back more violently than I had ever seen and she crashed to the floor, I knelt beside her, keeping my fingers on her pulse point just in case. I heard footsteps behind me, I looked around and saw Bianca and Davina running up towards us, they grabbed their flag as Wednesday was waking up, Bianca looked over at us, she chuckled before saying, "Taking a cat nap?"

That altered Wednesday that we needed to go, she got up quickly and we took off running after them, when we made it back to the boat, the Jokers were already far out on the lake and Bianca's team were just setting off back into the water. Enid questioned us, but Wednesday shut her down and we started rowing again, in the near distance I could see the Jokers slowing right down, and we passed them quickly. As we passed them, I saw there was water in their boat, and the boys were looking completely defeated, Enid smiled at Ajax as we passed and I sent Xavier an eyebrow raise, the rest of my face staying passive. I looked back briefly to see Xavier throw his ore down, slipping back off the bench, his hat coming off with it, he sat there in defeat and the team gave up, he hollered out, "Cheaters!"

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now