Game on.

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We walked through the halls in our new all black fencing uniforms, hearing the efforted grunts coming from the fencing practice room, when we walked in a couple of people looked our way. We walked straight in-between two fencers and over towards the coach, on our way over one of the fencers fell down and took off his mask exclaiming, "Coach, she tripped me."

"It was a clean strike, Rowan." The coach commented.

Bianca took off her mask and looked down at her opponent, "Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck, Rowan. Seriously, Coach, when am I going to get real competition? Is anyone going to challenge me?"

"I will." Wednesday stated, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

"You must be the psychopath they let in, and you must be her pyromaniac sister."

"And you must be the self-appointed Queen-Bee." Wednesday commented.

"The thing about bees, you rip their stingers out, they die slowly and painfully." I chipped in.

Fury shot through her steel blue eyes, "Rowan doesn't need you to defend him. He isn't helpless, he's lazy."

"Are you taking her challenge or not?" I asked, bored at the talking.

Bianca pulled her mask down, the coach exclaimed, "En garde."

I watched as they duelled, the first point going to Wednesday and then to Bianca, Wednesday ripped her mask off, looking back at the coach briefly before looking at Bianca, "Let's finish this. For the final point, I invoke military challenge. No masks, no tips, winner draws first blood."

I smirked to myself, I knew Wednesday was good at this, we both held many scares from invoking this challenge as young girls with our father, the older we got, the less scars we got and the more he received.

"It's your decision, Bianca." The coach commented.

"Let's see if you bleed in colour." Bianca snarked, holding her blade back up.

My eyes followed them around the room, I watched in horror as Bianca drew blood on Wednesday's forehead, Bianca made things worse by making a bitchy comment, "Your face finally got the splash of colour it was begging for."

I watched as Wednesday stormed out the room, a pit of rage stormed within me, I glared at Bianca, to which she responded with a smirk, I felt a rush of hot air pass by me, pushing Bianca to the floor, I smirked back at her and left the room, stepping over her as I went. As I slammed the door behind me, I heard her shout, "She did this!"

I knew Wednesday would want to be left alone for a little while, I got changed back into my uniform before I was hit with a sense of something being wrong with Wednesday. You know how people say twins can feel each other's pain and speak telepathically, it wasn't like that, myself and Wednesday could merely know when the other was in danger or something was going to happen to the other. I followed my feelings and wound up in the infirmary, finding Wednesday unconscious in the bed and Xavier watching her.

"What did you do to her?" I demanded, walking to her bedside.

"Valdis? How did you know to come here?" He asked, startled by my appearance.

"What happened?" I demanded.

"A gargoyle fell from the roof; I pushed her out the way before it crushed her. She hit her head off the floor. The nurses said she doesn't have a concussion, just a nasty bump." He explained.

"Thank you for saving her, although it would have been a dramatic way to die."

"Umm, yeah, dramatic..." He mumbled.

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now