Hello, Mother, Father.

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A full week had passed since Eugene had been attacked, he had survived the attack, but barely and he was in a coma in the hospital, everything had fallen silent with the monster and no one else had been attacked since Eugene. Wednesday and I were yet to visit him, the overwhelming guilt eating at both of us, with parents' weekend fast approaching as well, we were even more on edge, and looking through the police file of my father, there was a pit of dread in my stomach.

"We need to know more about that night." Wednesday stated.

"Could you ask Tyler to talk to his dad about it?"

"No, this is something we need to figure out between ourselves, which means, no telling Xavier, Valdis, I still don't fully trust him."

"Do you fully trust anyone?" I quipped.

"Only you." She confessed.

"So, trust me when I say, Xavier isn't the monster and Father does not have what it takes to be a killer."

"I trust you about Father." She stated.

We continued reading through the file, until the announcement of parents beginning to arrive came over the speakers, I tucked the file into my bag, and we separated, Wednesday was going to look out for our parents, and I was going to find Xavier, to see if his dad was going to showing this year. As I walked into the quad, it was still only students of Nevermore, I easily spotted Xavier, along with Ajax and Enid, who was looking rather glum. I made my presence known to them, "Enid, why do you look like a kicked puppy?"

"Because my mother and her judge-y claws are going to be here any minute." She pouted.

"At least your parents are showing up." Xavier commented, his mood sour.

"You know my mom's always happy for you to be with us." Ajax stated, sending him a sympathetic smile.

"Nah, it's alright, man. I'll probably just go do some art or something." He replied.

"You know the offers always there."

Enid spotted her parents walking in, calling a quick goodbye to us she ducked into the school quickly, not fully prepared to deal with her mother yet, not too soon after Ajax's mom showed up as well, he bid us goodbye and greeted her with an enthusiastic hug. I looked up at Xavier, "You are more than welcome to sit with me and my parents, if you wish to."

"That's really nice of you, but I don't want to intrude, it's parents' weekend."

"Yes, and interrupted time with my parents makes me more homicidal than I normally am."

He chuckled softly, "Well, don't look now, but I do believe they have just walked in."

I turned around and saw my Mother, Father and Pugsley had indeed walked in, I sighed heavily, knowing this would be a long and interesting weekend for everyone involved. Enid joined us again, keeping an eye out to make sure her mother hadn't seen her yet, not too long after Wednesday joined us as well, her sneer even more pronounced than before at seeing our family.

"You know, most people are happy to see their parents?" Xavier teased.

"Our parents abandoned us here, and since then, our life hasn't exactly been smooth sailing, I would say we have a right to be discontented by their presence." I explained.

There was a loud bell, before Principal Weems started talking, "Nevermore was created many years ago as a sanctuary for our children, somewhere they would be safe to be themselves, to grow up to who they want to be. I do realise many of you may have some worries about the unfortunate incident involving one our students last weekend, well, I am delighted to report that he is on the mend and expected to make a full recovery. So, please, enjoy this weekend and make this the best one yet."

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now