You're being Dramatic.

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Wednesday was holding a séance, and I was helping her, we were trying to contact Goody and Cleta, but we weren't having much luck. We were sat in a circle of candles, our hands connected, and we were chanting in Latin, nothing was happening, there were no spirits of dead ancestors popping up and the candles were still lit. Enid entered the room, interrupting us, I sighed heavily, taking my hands out of Wednesday's, I looked over at Enid, she grimaced slightly, "Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt... You know what? I don't want to know what you are doing."

"We were attempting to contact dead relatives." I revealed, standing from the circle.

"They aren't feeling particularly chatty." Wednesday grumbled, standing beside me.

"You have an ancestor named Goody and Cleta?" Enid asked.

"Yes, and they are infuriating to contact." I stated, using my abilities to blow out all the candles.

There was a bang over by the door, and a note slid under the door, Enid looked over at it, "Maybe your ancestors have responded."

Wednesday picked the note up and looked up unimpressed, "I doubt they communicate in magazine cut-outs."

We left the room not long after, heading to the Crackstone crypt on the island, as we were walking through the forest, Enid was whining, she was petrified, I also heard her claws flick out at one point, Wednesday turned to look at her, "You didn't have to come. We would have been fine on our own."

We approached the crypt, finding it was already open, Enid covered her nose, "What is that awful smell?"

"Childhood." I replied, looking over at Wednesday.

"Come on, let's go." She stated.

"On seconds thoughts, I'm gonna stay here." Enid commented, looking around nervously.

We entered the crypt, we looked around for a few seconds, we heard someone cough, I turned sharply, my hands starting to glow, "Enid?"

There was another cough, Wednesday looked over in the same direction I was, "Show yourself."

"If you try anything, you will be burnt alive." I threatened.

Before we had chance to repeat ourselves, Xavier, Ajax, Davina and Kent jumped out from behind the crypt, shouting, "Surprise!"

Enid came running into the crypt, a large smile on her face, "Happy birthday!"

They started to sing happy birthday to us, Enid brought out a cake for us, a grim reaper on top, holding a bright pink balloon. We looked over and saw Thing with a party hat on, I grimaced at him, "I should have known you were in on this."

"What part of no party under the penalty of losing digits alluded you?" Wednesday snapped.

"I thought my cake idea was pretty inspired." Xavier smiled, very proud of himself.

"The pink balloon was my little touch. Why don't you both make a wish?" Enid commented, holding the cake out to us.

Something caught Wednesday's attention, she went over and crouched in front of a small ledge, she looked back at me, "It's Latin."

I crouched beside her, I easily translated it, "Fire will rain... when I rise."

"That's not really a wish." Enid stated.

"The first part was burnt into Nevermore's lawn." Wednesday commented.

"It has to mean something." I replied.

"Wait, we're never eating that cake, are we?" Kent asked.

I turned and gave him a dirty look, when I turned back, Wednesday was running her hand over the letters, she grabbed my hand as she threw her head back, sending us both into a powerful vision. We were in some sort of open land, there was some whispering around us, "Crackstone is coming."

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now