I'd rather not.

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I was being held hostage in the back of a soccer mom minivan, my sister and Principal Weems were sat up front, as we pulled up outside the building in the town of Jericho. I could hear the faint scuttle of Thing moving around in Wednesday's bag, Principal Weems stopped the engine, "Dr. Kinbott's office is on the second floor. Other Nevermore students swear by her."

"You'll be here afterwards?" Wednesday guessed.

We both clambered out the van, awaiting Weems response, "Perhaps, afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate."

"Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you. And chauffeuring your students around is certainly below your pay grade."

"Given your disposition for running away and Valdis' disposition to setting things on fire when she is uncomfortable, I'm sure you are both planning something. I'm here to prevent you from doing anything."

"I wish you the best of luck." Wednesday commented, slamming the door behind her.

We walked through the brightly white halls to a brightly lit room, a middle-aged woman waiting there for us, she smiled brightly at us, immediately setting me on edge.

"I read the notes from your last school counsellor." She commented.

"Mrs. Bronstein. She had a nervous breakdown after only one session with us. She had to take a sabbatical to consider her mental wellness." Wednesday commented.

"Go ahead and please sit down. How did that make you feel?" She asked.

"Vindicated." Wednesday stated.

"Aggrieved." I commented.

"But yet, for a woman who knitted as a hobby, I was surprised she lasted the whole first session." Wednesday stated.

"She was not a worthy adversary." I added.

"Adversary? I was hoping we could build a relationship on trust and understand."

Wednesday and I scoffed at the very notion of her ever understanding us.

"This is a safe space for you both. A place where we can discuss anything and neither of you will be judged..."

"You say that, but it is human disposition to judge those they do not understand." I interrupted.

"I want you both to be able to talk about what you are thinking, feeling, how you view the world and personal philosophy."

"That's easy. I think that this is a waste of time. I see the world as something that must be endured before the release of death." Wednesday explained.

"We believe in kill or be killed." I concluded.

"So, for instance, someone bullies your brother, or yourself, your response is to dump piranha in the pool and then electrocute them when they try to flee?"

"You know the old saying..." Wednesday started.

"Never bring a knife to a sword fight." I added.

"Unless its concealed." Wednesday finished, making me smirk slightly.

When we said things like this, it made me miss our uncle Fester, the one who taught them to us.

"The point is, you both assaulted multiple people and showed no remorse for your actions. That's why you're here."

"He lost a testicle. I did the world a favour. People like Dalton shouldn't be allowed to procreate." Wednesday commented.

"Tiffany lost temporary use in her hands and arms, so what she couldn't use her pom-poms for a couple of weeks, I'm sure it killed her." I deadpanned.

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now