Uncle Fester?

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It was raining the day the Mayor was buried, myself and Wednesday were standing alone behind everyone else, stood under one umbrella, as we watched the coffin being lowered into the ground. Everyone else was crying, but we were stood stone faced, looking at everyone else, Xavier was there as well, his hair sticking to his face from the rain, he looked over at me gave me a tight-lipped smile. Everyone started to disperse as soon as the coffin was in the ground, we looked over at the trees to our right, seeing a dark figure watching us. We shared a quick look and took off after them, we chased them through the woods, before we came to a small clearing, he wasn't there, Wednesday took the sword from her umbrella, I used my abilities to pick up some sticks and set them on fire. He dropped down in front of us, we fought him, he easily matched us, grabbing the blade of the sword he sent electricity down it to Wednesday's hands.

Then he spoke, "As sharp as ever, my murderous protégé's."

He took his hat off, we both smiled widely, "Uncle Fester."

He smiled manically at us, Wednesday spoke as we began to walk back, "How long have you been stalking us?"

"I just flew into town this morning. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia." He revealed.

"I didn't think you went to Nevermore?" I inquired.

"I didn't, your father got all the brains, but I would drop in on him from time to time. Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth." He chuckled.

"Of course." We agreed, smiling at him.

I hadn't smiled this much in years but seeing Uncle Fester was a rare occurrence and he always had something wild and useful to tell us.

"He filled me in on what's being happening. Murder, mayhem, monsters. What fun! Anyway, I had a job down in Boston, so I thought I would check in on you, give your parents some piece of mind as well."

"What kind of job?" Wednesday asked.

"The kind that requires me to lay low for a while." He admitted, a sheepish look on his face.

"We have a place." I commented, nodding to Wednesday.

We led him through the woods and through the school grounds quickly, straight out to the Hummers bee house, I looked back at him, "This place belongs to a friend of ours."

We opened the door and let him in, he chuckled lowly, "You guys actually made a friend? Poor kid will be going home in a body bag."

I flinched slightly at the joke, a wave of guilt washing over me, I shook it off and looked back at him, "Yes, well, he won't be back for a little while, so you can hide here."

He turned around and saw a box of hibernating bees, "Ohh, a hideout that comes with food, I like it."

"Those bees are hibernating; they are practically Eugene's children." Wednesday explained.

We watched as he opened the box and went to eat one, I pushed his hand down by manipulating the air in the room, "That means don't eat them!"

"You know, when you give me those disapproving sneers, you remind me of your mother." Fester commented, closing the bee lid.

"Don't insult us too quickly, we might think you missed us." I commented.

"Well, speaking of disturbing things, have you identified the monster yet?" Fester asked.

"We haven't had any look, yet." Wednesday stated, motioning to the drawing Xavier had done.

"Ohh, it's called a Hyde." Fester revealed.

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now