I didn't lie!

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"I don't know what you want me to say, Sheriff, I didn't see anything. I just felt that Wednesday was in immense danger, and I ran to her." I reiterated for the millionth time that morning.

"I still don't understand how you miss a dead body." Wednesday snarked.

"Nothing was there. No blood, no footprints, no nothing. We looked all night."

"Clearly they didn't look hard enough." I snapped.

"They clearly all left their seeing eye dogs at home. I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me." Wednesday stated.

"Get a look at this monster?"

"They didn't stick around to chat." Wednesday quipped.

"What about you?" He asked me.

"I didn't see anything." I confessed.

"Maybe it was one of your classmates?" The sheriff suggested.

"I find that notion extremely offensive, Sheriff." Weems commented.

"I don't give a damn, I got three dead hikers ripped apart in the woods."

"The mayor stated those were bear attacks." Weems disagreed.

"Well, the mayor and I disagree on that."

"So, you automatically jump to the conclusion that it was a Nevermore student, even though no evidence to suggest a crime has even been found?"

"Right, sorry, I forgot, you only teach the non-murderous outcast here."

Weems sighed heavily, "I guess that Rowan ran away. A state-wide alert has been issued and I have contacted his family, but they haven't heard from him since yesterday morning."

"Dead people have a very bad record of returning calls." Wednesday commented.

"Unless you're our aunt Kathy." I added.

"What were you doing in the woods anyway, Ms. Addams?" The sheriff inquired.

"I heard a noise; I went to investigated. That's when I stumbled on to the attack, I turned and ran back out and ran into Bianca Barclay, I told her to go for help. I don't recall much after that, only that I woke up in my dorm a few hours later."

"And you're sure it wasn't a bear?"

"We hibernated with grizzlies as children, we know the difference." I defended.

"And you, Ms. Addams, what were you doing? Witness reports say you were frantic and acting rather crazy."

"I had a bad feeling, Wednesday was in danger, I saw her running into the forest, I was quite a while away, so I started running, by the time I got there Bianca was already going for help. Wednesday collapsed in my arms and Xavier Thorpe helped me move her to a bench. I passed out not too soon after due to the pain of my danger feeling."

"You forgot the part where a booth spontaneously combusted, right after you told everyone to shut up, and then passed out."

"I know nothing about that, it was a coincidence." I lied easily.

"Thank you, Sheriff, but I think the Addams' girls are done now."

"Actually, we would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone." Wednesday asked.

There was a tense moment before Weems spoke, "I don't know if I can allow that."

"I can always take them down to the station, get a formal statement there."

"You have five minutes, and everything is off the record. Play nice, Sheriff, or I will call the mayor."

With that Weems left the room, Wednesday was the first to start speaking, "Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder."

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