A Dance for the Dead.

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The next night Wednesday was sneaking into the coroners, I was there in spirit again, this time only listening to what they said, Thing was with her, while Enid was still pouting about Ajax standing her up the night before, I ignored her grumbling and focused on what Wednesday was talking about.

"While I do the autopsy, you find the files." Wednesday instructed Thing.

He tapped something out, "Don't be sulky, do you not recall the cadaver uncle Fester gave me and Valdis for our 13th birthday? You sliced right through his carotid."

I heard her talking into the small recording device she had taken with her, "Thursday 7:23pm, the body is that of a 50-year-old male. Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on the upper body and forearms. What remains of the chest and abdomen indicates a frenzied and fast attack, the subject is entirely disembowelled. How curious? The left foot of the subject appears to be missing, teeth marks indicate it was chewed off the body."

I heard frantic tapping in the background, indicating Thing was back from wherever he scuttled off to, Wednesday's voice startled me slightly, "Have you seen a left foot around here?"

The tapping continued, more frantic than before, Wednesday instructed him to calm down and talk more slowly, she finally got the hint that someone else was coming, I decided that was my cue to check out of listening to them. I came back to find Enid still pacing the room, grumbling something under her breath, I rolled my eyes at her, sitting down at my desk to write a note to Xavier for Thing to deliver.

"What are you doing? Did we have homework?" Enid asked, frantically.

"I'm writing a note for Thing to deliver when he returns."

"You know, if you got a phone, you could just text hi... them."

"I prefer writing notes." I commented, ignoring her slip up.

"You can always use my phone." She offered.

"So, you can spy on my conversations?" I replied.

She huffed out a defeated breath, "Do I at least get to know who you are writing to in the middle of the night?"

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, Enid. You know who I'm writing to."

"What's going on with you and Xavier?"

"He is helping me with something."

"Right? And the truth?"

I sighed heavily, "He is kind to me, despite everything he trusts me. I think he is starting to believe me. I've never had someone engage with me like that before."

"Awwww, that's sweet."

"You breathe a word of this to anyone and I will personally de-claw you." I threatened.

"Your secret crush is safe with me." She stated, skipping into the bathroom.

"It's not a crush!" I called out to her.

"Keep telling yourself that!" She yelled back.

I huffed out a frustrated breath, looking back at the blank paper in front of me, I twirled the pen in my hand for a second before beginning to write:


I have been thinking about what you confided to me, the monster you see in your dreams, do you recognise it? I have searched all the books I can think of, but I know the Nightshade's library holds more knowledge in there. Also, Thing has informed me of your fright last time he came to deliver to you, I do apologise for that, I do wish for you to know that he is completely harmless. I also wish to ask you if in your dreams you have seen anything about the monster taking limbs from anyone?

Beautifully Horrific// Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now