Everyone just roasting each other pt 1(by colgate)

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Valt: rantaro wouldn't do such a thing there's no way rantaro could kill free-
Ken: Valt please shut your goddamn mouth and let smarter people actually SOLVE THIS CASE SO WE WONT GET KILLED
Ukyo: *snickering* he's right though you've got the mental capacity of a goldfish
Rantaro was found guilty, Next scene
Chapter 2: buffet party with an unexpected twist
*Xander drinks his water is actually vodka with a strong alcohol taste and then he gets too drunk*
Valt: heyyyy Xander, what kimda dRink ist thish
Xander: ughh, Valt why do you have to be such a bitch you always rely on others to clean up your fuking messess*hic*
Valt: YoU dOnT m-mean that xandy
Xander: don't call me xandy you fucker
Ken: you're a bitch valt and I teach bitches like you a lesson
Valt: ken what are you doing with that gun, KEN NO PLEASE STOP NOOOOOO-
*valt gets shot in his legs and arm*
Ranjiro: who snuck in alcohol this isn't allowed
Ken: me bitches
Ranjiro: ah- well I guess it won't hurt
Ken: like this
*ranjiro gets shot in his arms and left leg*
Ukyo: Weeeeee i sound like a kardashian
Yugo: Hey benn
Ben: what
Yugo: is pink your real hair color
Ben: yes what are talking about
*lie detector goes off*
Yugo: say the truth or I'll stab you*hic*
Ben: my real hair color is black and I had not too curly hair
Ukyo: Xander why is ken putting valt on a guillotine
Ben: isn't that normal?
Xander: what kind of abusive home were you from
Ben: the depressing one
Quon: I E A T B A B I E S
Ken: I E A T Q U O N
Quon: wait what, AHHHHHHH
Ren wu: oh look a dead body...DEAD BODY RAHHHHH
Xavier was found guilty
Chapter 2: case 7
Ukyo: hehehe
Ken: BHAHAHAHAHAAA! OH VALT, SILY GULLIBLE VALT, we can't leave...the deaths of others are frightening but just you know pass out forever and you won't see your friends die
Xander: am I the only one who thinks ukyo is being a bi-
Ukyo: I think I might know who could be the killer
Ken: same
Ukyo: I'll explain my theory, ahem Valt was seen in the kitchen 2:22am stress eating but Quon was also there at 2:22am getting a glass of fruit punch and suddenly the killer used Quons fruit punch pouring time to kill him with a baseball bat which was on a chair, the same chair Xander and Yugo and some others left out their special equipment on the chair and one of them was a baseball bat but the thing is a chainsaw was used during that time between 2:24-2:47am and what was left behind was a ripped glove which was red who do you know has a red glove...
Ultimate trivia:
1.when was valt and Quon in the kitchen
Correct answer: B
2.who's items was used during that time
A.naoki and Jin's
B.valt and shus
C. Xander and Yugos
Correct answers: C And A
Naoki is the only person using a bat for his science experiments of mechanics and Jin is the also a person who uses a chainsaw to scare off people
3.was there more people during the incident
Correct answer: truth
Ken and Ben were 2 inches away from the scene
Ukyo: shu kurenai is the only person with that specific glove none else has a copy of it except him so I think now I'll sum up my theory,I believe Shu Kurenai is the murderer!
Ukyo: and your turn ken
Ken: alright, ukyos your theory is similar to mine and it comes together smoothly but what you forgot to mention was that there was more people near the or in the kitchen aka ben and I who were unaware of the crime until the day after at different times and the body was located in 3 places at different time frames, when Xander first discovered it the time was 7:17am and when ren wu found the body was in Quons bedroom at 2:32pm and the final destination of it was in the basement with the legs sticking out of the incinerator like someone had at 6:56pm and the killer left their accessory which was a red glove with a tear on the palm part and besides if anyone is gonna say I'm the killer oh please I don't wear tacky gloves from the candy section at beykea made from licorice rope, so shu what do you have to about that you killer
Shu: You can't prove that I was there
Ken: I yes I can, your black shoe from the back section of the collab of Spencer's and hot topic was left behind and it was bloody on the front part!
Shu: um
Ken: So the real killer is SHU KURENAI
Shu: what
Pheng: so quons death was just...stupid and from fucking jealousy
Ken: Adios, Auf Wiedersehen and aloha shu
Pheng grabs a hammer and slams it on the red button
Shu was executed
Chapter 3: valt and daigo found injured and dead
Ken: oh my go-
Jin: say it
Ken: say what
Jin: spirits SAY IT
Ken: oh Jin's 223 guardian spirits
Jin: better
Pheng: dude you called me a colonizer just because I said fuck you spirits
Jin: don't pass your religion to me
Pheng: dude we don't have a confirmed religion
Ukyo: is it just me or is this room more spacious than usual
Xander: it's still cramped
Yugo:...what the fuck do you mean by that!?
Xander: y'all are forgetting I'm taller than the average human
Yugo: ken is literally more closer to your height
Xander: ken how tall are you
Ken: 6.1, what about you xander
Xander: I'm 6.8
Yugo: see?
Daigo: I know who was the killer
Ken: it's valt
Daigo: yes
Yugo: explain
Daigo: valt and I were walking to the beach to play in the water for a bit, then valt switched emotions and stabbed me multiple times but then I passed out and was dragged inside the warehouse near the beach and valt scarred himself with a knife and stabbed himself and finally killed himself by stabbing himself in the neck
Ken: well that's been solved
Yugo: I think there's a camera in the ware house and on the outside of it so most footage was caught when valt committed the crime and died
Ken: it was weird having to change in that warehouse cause it had a camera but don't look at old footage I'm not living that down
Valt was the killer but died so no execution

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