Wheres yugo from?

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Xander: hey Yugo
Yugo: hey Xander
Xander: I have a question
Yugo: what is it Xander?
Xander: where are you from?
Yugo: Tokyo
Xander: really, no one from Tokyo is that fast to come to try outs or eager to, trust me I did a Survey for those people
Yugo: I'm from the Nara prefecture
Xander: where in the Nara prefecture
Yugo: western Asuka
Xander: nope I don't believe it
Yugo: I'm telling the truth
Xander: if you are telling the truth then tell me who started western Asuka
Yugo: an Elizabethan from 1559 who immigrated to Japan but died when a war happened between a native town
Xander: okay
Yugo: is that all
Xander: well anyone would know that
Yugo: yep
Xander: but I never saw you in this part of Asuka
Yugo: ...
Yugo: I can't tell you
Xander: why
Yugo: if I do I'm dead meat
Xander: explain
Yugo: well it's in a hidden part of the Nara prefecture like in the deep forest it's barely modern and it only uses 1800-1900s cameras so you can't tell who I am when taking a photo of me with that camera, well when I was young
Xander: did you use one of those cameras
Yugo: yes when I was 5 and I took the picture the second my parent called me for dinner
Xander: do you have it
Yugo: sadly yes
Xander: let me see it then
Yugo: alright
Yugo handed Xander the photo and when Xander looked at the photo he couldn't believe that little boy with Rapunzel like hair was Yugo
Xander: this is you?
Yugo: yep I had quite the Rapunzel like hair hehehe
Xander: Yugo
Yugo: what
Xander: your hair is growing extremely fast
Yugo: wait what
Yugo grabbed his hair and looked to see his hair grown all the way to his ankles
Xander: do you want scissors or
He snatched the scissors and cut his hair back to neck length
Yugo: is it still growing
Xander: kinda yep
Yugo: *takes a deep breath*
Yugo cut his hair again but to shoulder length and put his hair in a Mohawk
Yugo: there
Xander: clean it up

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