The Green scarf/green ribbon

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Narrator/Pheng: The Green scarf...once there was a girl named Jenny, she was like all the other girls, except for one thing...she always wore a green scarf around her neck...once there was a boy named Alfred in her class, Alfred liked Jenny, and Jenny liked day he asked her
Alfred/Ben: "why do you wear that scarf all the time?"
Jenny/Kensuke: "I cannot tell you"
Narrator/Pheng: said Jenny...but Alfred kept asking
Alfred/Ben: "why do you wear it?"
Narrator/Pheng: and Jenny would say
Jenny/Kensuke: "it is not important"
Narrator/Pheng: Jenny and Alfred grew up and fell in love, one day they got married...their wedding, Alfred said
Alfred/Ben: "Now that we are married,you must tell me about the green scarf"
Jenny/Kensuke: "You still must wait"
Narrator/Pheng: said jenny
Jenny/Kensuke: "I will tell you when the right time comes..."
Narrator/Pheng: years passed...Alfred and Jenny grew old...One day Jenny became very sick, the doctor told her
Doctor/raita: "You are dying soon"
Narrator/Pheng: Jenny called Alfred to her side...
Jenny/Kensuke: "Alfred..."
Narrator/Pheng: she said...
Jenny/Kensuke: now I can tell you about the green scarf,unwrap it and you will see why I could not tell you before..."
Narrator/Pheng: Slowly and carefully, Alfred unwrapped the scarf...and Jenny's head fell off...
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