9 0 0

Chicago, Illinois
February 12th, Tuesday 2:00 pm.


I had started back eating, after are talk the selling me wasn't brought back up. I assumed we was chillin for now, I still had to put on a blind fold but so what.

The door opened and I stood up, this time In walked Jeremiah. He never came in here himself, he always sent people to come get me. I watched him as he looked around, that's when I took my time to look at him.

He was dressed up, this time he had on glasses. He wore black jeans with a black shirt, and a blue design in the middle. He looked so sexy, and I was glad I wasn't bold enough to say that out loud.

"Get dressed"

"Where we goi-"before I could finish, he slammed the door back.

"Sexy Bitch"I mumbled, before standing up and grabbing sum clothes out the dresser they had in here. They upgraded me to this like room. It had a shower, so I ain't complain.

I walked in there and took a quick shower, when I got out I wrapped a towel around my body then began rubbing lotion Brooklyn left in here all on my body. When I finished, I put on some jeans, then a black top. I put on whatever shoes they had in there that matched, and grabbed a jacket out the closet.

When I was ready, I walked towards the door and knocked. It swung open and I saw my two guards. I was expecting for them to blind fold me and walk me to him but they nodded their head for me to walk.Was this a test?

I began walking and there were two halls I could go down, but I ain't know where to go to find him. So I stood still.

"Mook"I called out, but got no response I waited for a second before calling out again.


This time I jumped when I felt someone grab me, I looked up and saw him. He began pushing me in a direction.

"What I tell you my name fo if you gon call me dat shit?"He asked and I shrugged, watching as he led me down some stairs.

"Ion know, why don't I have the blind fold on?"I asked, even tho I already knew. I was gaining his trust, step 2 of the plan.

"Stop askin so many questions Siriyah"He said and he walked me until we got in front of a door where we leave. I had known what it looked like now, and I was in a house. He opened the door, and outside I was greeted with a driveway then just trees going for miles. I was surrounded my trees, and when I turned around to get the address there wasn't one.

I kept walking with him until we stopped in front of a Range Rover. He opened the door for me and I got in, he walked over to the other side and got in.

"Where we goin?"I asked as he turned on the car and began pulling out and driving towards a road. When we got on it, I saw trees going for a long time. So I knew we'd be driving for a long time. So the location was secret, even if I tried I wouldn't know where we were.

"Just relax"He said and instead of questioning him I sat back leaning my head on the window, I looked over at him while he drove and not meaning to a smile came over my face.

He turned my way quickly catching me, and gave me his smile so I saw his grills.

"Wassup?"He asked and I shook my head.



"Siriyah"I heard and felt myself being shook. My head lifted, and I looked around until my eyes landed on Jeremiah. Then I looked out the window and saw we were parked somewhere, we were in front of a tall building.


Was the name and if I was correct it was a hotel. I looked over at him and he was getting out, soon I felt my door opening and I got out.

"What is this?"I asked and he smirked.

"My hotel"He said and started walking towards the entrance so I followed him. He had long legs so I had to keep up. We got inside and immediately he got smiles from women, and men walked up to him.

"Wassup mook"Some dude said dapping him up.

"Heyy mook"Some girl spoke as she walked pass us, i scrunched up my face but quickly put to normal not knowing why I did it in the first place.

"Whatchu here for?"The male asked.

"Just for checkup"Jeremiah answered and the guy nodded before walkin away. Jeremiah began walking again, and I just followed him until we got into where the pool was.

"Wassup mook"another male spoke dapping him up.

"Wassup b"Jeremiah said actually smiling at this person so I knew he was close with him. He had only actually smiled at Brooklyn, kj, messiah and regg so far.

"Watchu doin here?"the guy asked.

"Just checking up on y'all, everything good?"

"Yeah"The guy answered before his eyes landed on me.

"Who this is?"He asked and Jeremiah just shook his head, but I was gonna introduce myself.

"My name is Siriyah nice to meet you"I spoke and watched Jeremiah give me a look. The guy nodded his head and they began talking but I looked around, until my eyes landed on a guy. If I wasn't mistaken he was nodding his head in a direction towards me. Then it clicked, Lester he said he would get in contact with me.

"Jeremiah, could I use the bathroom?"I asked making both the men look at me, Jeremiah gave me a look not fully trusting me.

"I actually have to pee, you can come in if you'd like"I spoke sarcastically and he looked at me for a second before nodding. I turned around walking out the pool area, and into the room the guy was nodding at. Surprisingly it was a bathroom, I searched the stalls until I seen a voice recorder sitting directly on the toilet seat.

I walked in the stall closing the door, and when I looked at the door it had a note written on it.

Lester-pick up the device and hold down on the right button, and you'll be able to speak. Tell me everything you've learned so far.

I did as told grabbing the recorder and held the button down.

"Uhh so far I've yet to discover where the place I'm held is. I don't even know directions by heart. It's deep in some woods, I fell asleep on the drive into the city. Um there's men all inside and outside the house guarding it, it has no address. The color is black brown and tan. He was planning on selling me, he found out who my father is. Uhhh" I hummed trying to think about more information but I stopped when I heard the door open. I quickly turned around opening the toilet and throwing the device inside, knowing he would be able to retrieve the voice memo.

I flushed the toilet making it seem as I was finishing up. Then I looked up grabbing the paper with the message, then I put it in the toilet.

Then I opened up the stall and started walking out, but I was greeted with an front desk worker. She smiled and waved.

"Hi"She spoke and I waved, washing my hands then walking out the bathroom. To where I saw the man follow after me walking inside. I didn't know I wasn't paying attention until I felt myself bump into someone.

I looked up and my eyes connected with Jeremiah's brown ones. He looked down at me suspiciously and I looked over towards a women.

"You good?"he asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm good, it's just that women she keeps looking over here at you"I spoke trying to get him to think of something else, and it worked cause I saw him smirk.

"What you bein jealous already?"he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, when we leaving?"

"Right now, you hungry?"He said and just started walking away from me so I had to follow behind him. We walked out the hotel and I nodded even tho he couldn't see me.


I don't really know what ta say guys.

So continue on to the next chapter.

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