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Chicago, Illinois
March 3, Saturday 10:48


Siriyah sat on a couch of a house, they had got to the safe house hours ago. Still it was only her and journey, she was wondering where everyone was. The house was different but she had yet to explore, she was waiting on jer to show her around.

"So who are you exactly, they only told me you were a prisoner"Journey spoke up and Siriyah didn't really wanna talk to her but she did.

"I'm not anymore, apparently I'm luca's daughter and I've just been with everyone staying at the house"Journey nodded.

"Who are you?"

"I'm kj sister, I'm with them also but I stay in Detroit taking care of all our business there"Siriyah looked at her wanting to know more.

"You guys have stuff all the way in Detroit?"She asked kind of amazed.

"We have people everywhere, mook is well known Siriyah"Siriyah just nodded not saying anything else, she kinda wanted to stay quiet until Jeremiah got there.

They were sitting in silence until they heard the door mob moving so they both stood up. They both walked towards the door, it opened and they immediately scooted back when they saw a whole bunch of people rushing in. First it was men and women with equipment, in doctor uniforms. When they got in they rushed up stairs, they thought that was all but Siriyah eyes widened when she saw Terrence Brooklyn and kj carrying in a bleeding Jeremiah.

Messiah was behind them holding his stomach also bleeding, they started taking him upstairs so she started following him until she was pushed back by Terrence.

"Don't follow us"He spoke seriously, looking at her with hate and she didn't miss the tear stains on everyone's face. She stepped back and let them walk upstairs, she then turned around and journey was looking at her.

"What did you do?"


Everyone stood around Jeremiah as he laid unconscious on the bed, Brooklyn was still trying to control her crying. Usually she was in her don't give a fuck mood, but right now she was fearing for her brother's life.

"He's stable, I've tooken out all the bullets but only one hit a nerve. Luckily it was right below his heart, just inches away. He'll probably be out all day, all week. We're not sure when he'll wake"The doctor explained, but no one spoke they only stared at mooks body laying unconscious.

"Mr.Thomas can i please take a look at your wound?"The doctor asked messiah and he was about to refuse but Brooklyn looked at him.

"Go, I'll stay with him"Messiah knew she was right so he didn't protest, he nodded and followed the doctor. Brooklyn looked over at Terrence when she saw his face, he was fighting to not let tears fall. He was clenching his fist, and it was weird cause no one had ever seen him mad.

"Terrence he's gonna be fine, it's mook"Terrence shook his head at her words, he lifted from leaning on the wall and walked out the room. He started walking till he got downstairs, he saw journey and Siriyah sitting on the couch and journey gave him a look but he completely ignored her and grabbed Siriyah.

He pulled her away and out the front door, pushing her towards the driveway. He let her go and stood in front of her.

"What the fuck did you do?"He asked and Siriyah just stood there looking at him, she too had dried up tears on her face.

"Is he okay?"She asked and Terrence wanted to slap her, his friend was about to die because of her.

"Look at my shirt!"Siriyah looked down at his shirt soaked with blood, her breath hitched as she saw how much it was.

"Do you think he's okay!?"Siriyah deserved this, she needed someone to yell at her cause she was starting to hate herself. She didn't know how she could do this to someone, someone she loved.

"I-I'm sorry Terrence, j-just let me see him"She tried to walk past him and into the house but he pushed her back. He stepped back before he hit her and took a deep breath.

"At first I thought you were just lying about some stuff Siriyah, that you were protecting someone but you working with Lester was the last of my guesses"Siriyah looked at him knowing she was losing him, and knowing she was gonna lose everyone else in that house.

"I had to"She spoke and Terrence stepped up to her.

"No you didn't have to!"Siriyah stepped back at the raise of his voice. She wasn't scared but she knew she shouldn't be to comfortable.

"Now when he wakes up, your gonna tell him everything. Or I will"He said and turned around walking back into the house. Siriyah stood there trying to be strong, but it wasn't enough tears started pouring down her face. Not only did she lose her sister, but she just lost a family she could've gained.

She took some deep breaths then started walking towards the door, she walked inside and shut it. The house was quiet. She made her way up the stairs and checked the rooms before she found the one with him inside.

Brooklyn was in there, just sitting with her head down. But when she closed the door Brooklyn raised her head, it was obvious she was crying. When Brooklyn saw Siriyah, she just started back crying so Siriyah walked over grabbing and holding her.

She fought tears that wanted to fall, because when she saw Jeremiah's body she knew it was all her fault. She was afraid of losing him, her heart stung at the thought of him dying and it being her fault was so worse. How did they go from being led to the meeting from being all wrapped up in each other, to him getting shot? She didn't understand.

"What did they say?"

"T-they said their not sure when he'll wake up, the bullet was inches away from his heart"She spoke and Siriyah could hear the shakeyness in her voice, she knew now how much he meant to everyone.

Siriyah nodded at her, before standing up. She walked over towards the bed that he laid on and just stood over him. She placed her palm on his forehead and he was warm, she then placed her hand on his chest which was slowly beating. She then looked over his body and saw three spots patched up, she then shook her head. This was all her fault.

"I'm so sorry jer"She whispered and wiped tears as they started falling.

"I know your hurt but you have to wake up, your scaring everyone and I don't know what I'll do to myself if you die. I-I need you, please"Her head dropped, she knew this was all her fault. She was so disappointed, she didn't know what to do. She was about to lose him and her sister, so she'd have no one.

"I called his mom so she should be here in a couple of days"Siriyah heard Brooklyn speak up and nodded.

"Ok, I'll sit in here with you"Siriyah spoke and pulled up a chair to his bed, she sat down and held his hand as she laid her head on the bed.

How's everyone doing?

Feelings on Siriyah?

Feeling on journey?

Do you think he'll wake up?

Well you have to keep reading to find out.

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