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The Addamses and the (L/N)'s have always been a formidable force joint at the hip and feared throughout the local area for decades and when the wonder children of Pugsley and Wednesday Addams along with (Y/N) (L/N) rip through 7 schools in 5 years with an 8th on the verge it doesn't paint them in the best light, or any light for that matter.

Wednesday and (Y/N) have been close long before any school and had developed their relationship into a blossoming romance much to the silent but pleasant shock of the girl with the black heart.

After their recent streak of schools the trio are given one final chance before their families cast the ill-doers off to their former school of Nevermore academy and are bound to unlock its secrets...


Living the furthest from Nancy Reagan high school had proved a nuisance for the school board these last 2 terms as the Addamses lived just within the schools bus range, leaving the school at a crossroads with the problematic family especially as the 3 teens were on their last thread already.

The bus had to arrive early in the murky morning mist to collect its passengers.

"Ah Cara mia what a splendid morning for a wonderfully dreadful day." The giddy and jolly Gomez Addams yapped from the senior Addamses balcony that lay at the top of their mansion.

"Yes dear, however the bus is late once again." Gomez's cherished lover Morticia said as she looked at the pocket watch the family's severed hand, Thing was holding.

"Yes, 5:30 just gives the children too much time. They might grow to take it for granted and become horrible monsters to the outside world." He slighly smirked as he gazed down at the faded yellow bus which lost its colour after years of neglect.

"Oh my love lets hope that bus arrives even later next time." Morticia smiled resting her hand atop her lovers and walking back into their room out from the nipping cold.

"Thank you Lurch, remember I'm going to need help with my train set when we get back." Little Pugsley Addams told the mountain of a family Butler Lurch as he took his lunch from his colourless hands which earnt a nod and grunt in response.

"You know you'll have to make your own lunch someday Pugsley?" (Y/N) asked his small friend as they walked down the long staircase towards the front doors.

"I'll learn eventually, but I'd be putting Lurch out of business." He said as the two opened the stiff doors to reveal the long school bus awaiting them.

"If that's what you say. Oh hey Wednesday." (Y/N) looked up to see his mysterious girlfriend sitting atop the ledge above the doorway.

"You're both late, we need to be leaving." Wednesday flamed the two boys as she climbed down swiftly from her perch and joined the pair on the ground. "Lets go."

The three took their usual seats at the back of the bus overlooking the empty seats infront of them which provided the last silence they would experience for the rest of the day until more students would clamber aboard.

The bus drew nearer to the holding cell for the day, the uproar of the transports passengers echoing into the ears of Wednesday, fuelling her hate of school but not as hateful as the school felt towards herself and the Addams family including (Y/N). The students being ever so considerate of their own safety left a couple of rows in between themselves and the back of the bus to ensure they left the bus unharmed which worked as the bus had pulled to a halt infront of the pale gates the Nancy Reagan high school. The students barrelled off at a nimble pace leaving Pugsley, (Y/N) and Wednesday alone with the already frustrated driver, quick to not anger the underpaid worker any longer the trio got off the bus to find themselves the subject of a hundred eyes fixated on them each presenting their own gaze of disgust.

"Well I'll see you two later, I'm gonna go to reception and just wait there for first period. Bye!" Pugsley bolted off towards the main lobby of the school leaving the young lovers alone infront of the school.

Wednesday closed her eyes and sighed to herself before pushing her back onto (Y/N). "Please help me get through this day" she said quietly with no emotion.

"What else would you expect me to do?" He smirked to himself as he reached around to caress the smaller females arms which were crossed over her chest.

"Dont make me punch you." She hollowly threatened as she basked in the warmth the two bodies were sharing.

"Noted, let's get going then my love." (Y/N) said as he took his arms from around Wednesday and instead interlock their hands together as they led each other into their worst nightmare, the education system...

I must say that chapters do get longer than this. Around 2000-5000 words

Also please feel free to comment I absolutely love hearing feedback and you guys' thoughts!

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