Chapter 9: Howdy Jericho

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Nevermore academy-present day

"Who dares breach our inner sanctum?" A distorted voice called out from the shadows as the black bag was taken off of Wednesday's head to allow her to see the gathering of cloaked individuals. Analysing the room and her situation the girl kept her calm demeanor.

"You can take the mask off Bianca." She successfully deducted from the people around her earning a scoff come from the siren who revealed herself taking off the purple mask as well as the others who revealed their identity. Wednesday's disappointment of her kidnappers not being a psychotic killer gang but just a bunch of high school jokers.

"Actaully you looked better with it on." The girl snarkily remarked to which Bianca grimaced at her in disgust.

"How did you get down here?" A male voice said from the side that she recognised to be Xavier.

"Rowan showed me. Left pocket." She directed, obliging Xavier reached into her pocket pulling out the picture of the pig-tailed girl surrounded by fire. "I tracked the watermark to your secret hidey hole and solved the dumb riddle."

"The nightshades are an elite social group with emphasis on elite, I'd watch your mouth." Bianca berated Wednesday.

"We have roof parties, campouts and the occasional midnight skinny dip." Yoko smirked towards her friends met with a couple of giggles.

"Wow, do you guys even have a bedtime?" Wednesday sarcastically asked. "I got told the nightshades were disbanded." She pulled for more information from the group.

"The group got shut down 30 years back after some normie kid died." Xavier informed her from next to her. Wednesday's ears perked up at this new finding hoping to learn more.

"But we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so Weems turns a blind eye as long as we don't make any waves." Yoko spoke.

"Like Rowan?" Wednesday quickly chimed in.

"We booted that loser last term." Bianca harshly insulted the missing boy. "Question is, what do we do with her?" She continued, causing the attention to turn back to the young Addams child.

After a brief period of silence as the members thought internally, Xavier finally spoke up.

"I say we invite her to pledge." He suggested, thinking of adding Wednesday to the plethora of kooky and odd members already in the nightshades.

"After the crap she and her lapdog did in the Poe Cup no way in hell." Bianca shot down the long haired boys thought.

"Call (Y/N) a lapdog again and I'll show you what would've happened if that arrow hit its proper target." She stared into the soul of the siren giving a deathly glare after her threat. "And I have no intention to join your tea party." She then stood up from the chair shocking the group at how she was able to escape the rope that held her down.

"Its amateurs like you that give kidnapping a bad name." She flatly said as she departed the underground base and headed back to her dorm knowing that (Y/N) was no doubt still asleep and clueless.


Wednesday silently slipped through the dimly lit corridors of Nevermore academy and sneaked back into her room without waking her two roommates. She tip-toed across to the bad that (Y/N) had chosen to sprawl his entire body over in the girls absence. Huffing, she meandered her way past the long limbs of the boy and laid back into his comfortable arms deep in thought.

'There were so many threads to my investigation, I could weave a burial shroud. I still have no idea how Rowan mysteriously rose from the dead. Or why that monster is prowling the woods. But right now, nothing intrigues me more than this book. If I'm going to be responsible for Nevermore's demise, the question is, why am I sharing this apocalypse with a pilgrim?' Her mind raced as she slowly relaxed and fell asleep.

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