Chapter 36: The end of it

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Well here it is...the finale of Stitched Together.


(Y/N) wiggled his wrists that were held in position by the cold steel handcuffs welded into the metal table that prevented his escape from the chilled interrogation room. Infront of him stood a series of police officers, judicaries and detectives as they talked amongst themselves whilst sneaking glances at the boy who was exhausted from the battle that had not long taken place.

"Can anyone please just tell me if everyone is alright?" (Y/N) groaned from his seated position as his tired eyes looked on at the now silent room as the people occupying it contemplated the thought of telling him.

"If by alright you mean scared to death and distraught? Then yes they're fine." A snarky cop remarked causing the whole room to grimace at his unprofessional comment however the teenage boy sighed in relief despite the comment. Soon the room was told to disperse leaving only a single detective to talk with (Y/N).

"I'm sorry about them all, everyone's a bit on edge. I'm Matthew Mcintyre by the way." The babyfaced male chuckled out as he slid himself into the seat opposite the outlawed boy.

"I don't blame them." He said blankly as he had become irritated with the endless questions he had been asked upon coming on this trip. "Where's Galpin?"

"I'm sorry who?" The brown haired male asked as he scrunched his face in confusion at the teens question.

"Felicity Paling, the Hyde who I'm hoping is in maximum security right now." (Y/N) spoke forcefully as he waited for the junior detectives answer.

"As far as I know she is unconscious, and who is Galpin might I ask?" Matthew questioned whilst leaning across the table in anticipation.

"Francoise Galpin, Paling's true identity." The boy explained whilst giving tiny hand movements with the mobility he was granted.

"I see, well nobody has had a chance to speak with her yet about it all so I don't know what happens from here in all honesty." The man angled his head down in dismay as he had no other information for the archer.

"Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams are they okay?" (Y/N) now widened his eyes and asked desperately as he needed to know the condition of his girlfriend and friend.

"Every student is perfectly okay from what I've heard, the werewolf girl needed some time to recover but she's alright." Mcintyre nodded with a tiny smile as he gazed on at the teenagers sudden uplift in personality as he sighed in relief and grinned.

"And Rosa? The small blonde curly haired girl is she safe?" (Y/N) once again pleaded this time with much more worry and concern radiating from his face.

"I-i don't know, there was never a girl mentioned to me." The young but older male said with uncertainty within his voice.

"Let me outta this! I need to see if Rosa is ok!" (Y/N) tugged at the freezing metals that secured his hands in position as he tried to wrench them free only for pain to overload in his wrists and the circulation of blood to dwindle in his hands.

Quick to action, Mcintyre jumped from his seat and pulled the boys hands back allowing them to get the blood going again, (Y/N) didn't resist and craned his head over his hands and rested it on the table.

"Please, she needs to be alright." He sobbed to himself as his pleas were met with silence from the detective who's brain betrayed him and kept him frozen still unsure of how to answer the crying teenager. "You gotta let me see her."

"Fine, but you need to wear the handcuffs." Matthew finally got his train of thought going again as he pulled out the key to the handcuffs lock.

"Why? Surely you all know by now I didn't kill Tyler, I killed the Hyde." (Y/N) protested the thought of having to wear handcuffs throughout the police station and in public.

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