Chapter 25: Across the pond

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Each of the lucky students clambered out of the long white coach as they looked out upon the Boston harbour bustling with incoming trade vessels, yachts and the USS Constitution that laid still in the calm waters as tourists boarded its historic wooden deck.

"So this was the place the Boston tea party happened." (Y/N) rested his hands on his hips as he peered down into the water seeing his reflection.

"What a waste." Wednesday said standing next to the tall boy until Mrs Paling called out to the dispersed members of Nevermore Academy who were melting in the surprising heat as they tugged at their uniforms collars gasping for air.

"Listen in students, its just a short walk to the yacht from here so everybody grab your things and we'll shortly be on our way!" She smiled as the storage compartment of the bus lifted showing off the vast amounts of baggage. Wednesday and (Y/N) shared a look causing the male to roll his eyes.

"Fine." He scoffed making his way to collect their shared bags.

"I feel so powerful doing that, look at Ajax go!" Enid sprung up by her friends side as their boyfriends talked amongst themselves whilst using every available hand including thing to ensure there wouldn't be a second trip.

"You've missed out by being single all this time. I've actually grown to tolerate being in a relationship now." Wednesday smirked still speaking in her downbeat voice.

"You can admit you love it, scouts honour I won't post about it. Oh! Speaking of my blog, Mrs Paling is letting me record parts of the trip and to write about it." Enid smiled widely as she showed the raven haired girl the small handheld camera that was thankfully turned off. "Apparently I'm also getting someone to help me with it, a British reporter. How cool is that?"

"Get me in anything and I'll use the camera to record Ajax's autopsy." She glared to her side at the young werewolf with a hefty amount of sadism in her eyes.

"Got it, not into videos." Enid his her fear behind her bright white smile. "Well we best get going, the boys look happy."

Enid and Wednesday turned their heads to their honorary chauffeurs as they kicked and carried the suitcases packed with clothes, instruments and other necessities.

"Dont kick the cases, they're delicate." Wednesday grabbed the ear of (Y/N) and tugged on it as she berated the boy.

"Theres like 10 things to carry give me a break." He moaned as his sore ear as it was let go by the short girl who walked back over to join Enid and the rest of the teachers and students striding over the the private boat.

"Forget what I said earlier, why did we get the dumb ones?" Wednesday complained.

"I did say at the start of the year, cute but clueless." Enid picked out her phone and scrolled through her gallery to reach a picture that showed Ajax completely covered in stone looking down at his phone. "He literally opened his camera with his snakes out, I've never known someone more oblivious."

"You're very audible, no wonder you're so good at gossip." Ajax and (Y/N) chuckled with frustration as they continued to slave away with the excess belongings now subject to Enids verbal abuse.

"If you weren't so unintelligent maybe we wouldn't talk about this stuff." The blonde girl stuck her tongue out at the duo.

"She has a point." Ajax raised his eyebrows turning to his friend as he agreed with his girlfriend.

"Stop being a kissass, I've heard you do enough of that anyway." (Y/N) groaned as he kicked the luggage forward faster as well as slugging the bags he held.


"Wow! Thats what were going in?" The small figure of Eugene looked up starry eyed at the small cruise ship that displayed the Nevermore crest on the side of the white and purple boat.

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