Chapter 1: The last straw

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'I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded schools run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, but I admire the sadism.' Wednesday talked to herself in her head as she and (Y/N) walked through the masses of vibrant students and the miserable teachers that crowded the much too narrow and bland hallways that were lined on each side with lockers, each one being subject to their own art of vandalism or defacing.

Pugsley had found himself a constant subject of the cruel teenage minds that infested the school. Wednesday and (Y/N) knew this as it had followed them on their journey of hopping schools, each time his sister got involved they would soon find themselves put into a new school and onto their 4th, 5th or 6th last chance.

"Oh Pugsley." (Y/N) cringed as his eyes swiveled to see the red locker belonging to the younger Addams had gained some new hateful artworks graffitied on the door to it. "Its more than last week." The (H/C) male said with a sympathetic tone to his entire body as they walked towards the locker. The pair stood infront and took time in reading all of the average high school insults. "Kids can be cruel." The taller half of the duo admitted with a disappointed expression painting his usually neutral face.

"Amateurs, I could do far worse." Wednesday spoke in her monotone voice before being interrupted by the banging and crashing of the thin but strong metal of the locker. "The gift they've left us is a nice touch though." She joked darkly as she opened the locker to see her brother tumble out into (Y/N)'s arms catching him off balance sending them both onto the cold and dirty hallway floor ontop of each other.

"Thats my rib Pugs." (Y/N) groaned at the crushing weight of Pugsley's body on his upper body. Struggling to squirm off due to the ropes he was bound in Pugsley rolled off (Y/N), not without hurting the both of them.

Wednesday leant down beside both of the males and took the apple out of her brothers mouth and sticking it into the mouth of the complaining fool she found lying next to her feet."I want names." She coldly demanded from Pugsley as he spat the remaining apple from his mouth.

"I don't know who they were, honest!" He frantically said whilst pushing off the ropes, accidently hitting his sister in the arm which shot her head up and sprung her eyes wide open gazing into the pictures of what happened to Pugsley and the culprits that locked him up in his own locker.

Seeing Wednesday with her body stuck in time looking up at the ceiling and feeling a slight electric sting in his head (Y/N) got up from the ground and quickly got a hold of the girl he adored. "(Hey Wednesday)!" His shout muffled by the apple lodged in his jaw which he promptly spat out towards the ground as he cupped Wednesday's cheeks to snap her out of her vision, her head then jolted back down away from the ceiling and into the eyes of (Y/N).

"Are you okay?" He checked before removing his hands away from her face and instead down towards her hands, taking them in his own.

"I'm fine, we need to go." She said as her usual stone faced self before standing up, keeping her hand in (Y/N)'s grasp as she looked around to see the mob of students moving to get to their first lesson.

"Wait where are you going, what're you gonna do?" Pugsley exclaimed from below Wednesday and (Y/N).

"What I do best." The chilling reply hitting Pugsleys ears earnt a sigh as he laid down to catch his thoughts before his first class. "Emotions equal weakness Pugsley, do not forget that." She added before taking (Y/N) with her and headed for their class.

'I'm not about to confess to my brother that for the past month I've been having visions that only (Y/N) can snap me out of. Its like electroshock therapy without the satisfying afterburn. At least (Y/N)'s face is the first thing I see when I snap out of it.'

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