Chapter 14: Truth be told

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Wednesday dug the shovel into the broken ground once again, scooping up the dirt below her feet.

"This reminds me of the time you got your first gravedigging kit." Wednesday's mother smiled from above on the level ground as opposed to her nearly 6ft under daughter.

"It was always second best to the deer hunting kit (Y/N) got." She continued to slave away at the grave belonging to Garrett Gates.

"It was such a joy seeing you two play, like a ball and chain. Inseparable." Morticia reminisced of the small children happily laughing and smiling along with each other as they ran around the garden with their harmful BB guns and bows. "And when you smiled, I forgot you were a child of woe."

"(Y/N) is actually a child of woe, I'm just a namesake." Wednesday stated before her shovel reached its final destination, a golden plaque upon old wood. Garrett Gates it read. Jackpot.

The girl repeatedly jabbed the metal head of the shovel deep into the coffin making it accessible for her. She peeled the cracking wood to see the heavily decayed face of the deceased which was shrouded with a blue tinge  around his mouth and eye sockets.

"I was right." She smirked confirming her theory.

"Well would you look at this. Seems an Addams Family reunion is in place, you're both under arrest." Galpin's deputy, Santiago said pointing her flashlight at the females caught red-handed that threw their hands up in defeat.


Wednesday looked upon her parents in disgust as they ravaged each other like a pair of wild dogs.

"Even the long arms of the law couldn't keep us apart querida mia!" Gomez uttered between their relentless kissing.

"I'm guessing you're not wanting to imitate your parents." (Y/N) chuckled from the opposite side of the prison cell the Addams family found themselves in.

"Being behind bars is a good look for me I know, but having your *very* affectionate parents behind isn't satisfactory." She groaned facing the boy and not her parents.

"So what did you find?"

"Garrett died from nightshade poisoning, not a stab wound." She said making her lover slightly dizzy.

"That makes your father innocent right?" He asked hoping it would spell the end of their brief prison stint.

"It was never my father to begin with, he simply took the blame it was truly my mother but yes, none of my family is to blame." She said relieved she wouldn't see her mother slowly go insane.

"Have they heard this revelation yet?" The boy asked leaning against the bars.

"They will when they learn self control otherwise I'll leave them both here." Wednesday rolled her eyes the strong sound of kisses still polluting the air in the small prison.

After a few minutes of silence from the teenagers and a chorus of smooches from the adults their attention fixated on the young Addams.

"Nightshade poisoning killed Garrett, not the sword." She said causing the elders to scoff out of joy and relief falling back into each others arms and continuing their longwinded makeout session.

"I'll go get Galpin, save you from this purgatory." (Y/N) smiled kissing Wednesday's head inbetween the small gaps in the iron bars.

"Tell him I have proof."


(Y/N) sat on the sofa at the back of the Mayors office, painkillers, water and earplugs residing by his side preparing for the inevitable migraine he would suffer from the bickering of his second family and Mayor Walker.

Wednesday x Male reader: Stitched togetherWhere stories live. Discover now