Chapter 34: A killer revealed

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"Hello, (Y/N)."

The boys eyes widened as he felt the tip of a blade dig into the nape of his neck as the feminine but darkly sadistic voice plagued his ears and froze him in his place.

"This is only my job, its not personal." The mysterious woman said which startled the male to swing around causing him to now to be face to face with the razor-edged dagger as well as its weilder.

"A-Ashley? Now now think about this please." He pleaded as his eyes focused in on the blade that was thrust further forward toward his neck now lying its killing edge against the supple skin. (Y/N) threw his hands up in surrender as the ginger reporter girl dressed in black no longer had her wide rimmed glasses or her pleasant smile, it was more closely resembling a scowl.

"Theres nothing to think about, I'm here to kill you." She blankly repeated as fear and desperation began to arise within the archer who had his bow stored in his backpack but was unable to fish it out due to his situation.

"Why do you need to kill me?" He continued to try and prolong his execution.

"I've been hired to, now if you'd like to shut up it would be greatly appreciated." Ashley grew frustrated as the pair locked eyes in an intense staredown in which none backed down from, until (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered away from the reporters killer blue ones and to her shoulder upon which a hand lurked, waiting for the girl to turn her head.

Noticing the boy had averted his eyes away from her own and instead towards her shoulder, Ashley spun her head around to check what the teenager was alluding to only to be hit with a swift punch which sent her small frame down into the dirty concrete that lines the pathways and alleys.

Using the oppourtunity, (Y/N) ripped open his bag to collect his bow which he took out in one swift motion making sure to spring the bow out from its compressed form into its fully functioning one, the (H/C) haired boy also took out a singular arrow that he hastily drew back and pointed down towards the girl who had now lost her knife into the gutters below.

"Thanks for the help Thing." (Y/N) grinned as the severed appendage crawled his way up to his borderline family members shoulder. "Shall we talk Ashley?" (Y/N) grinned wider as he now has the upper hand.

Ashley glared back up at the boy who kept his bow trained on her head, sweat dripped from both of their foreheads as the tension grew and grew.

"You won't kill me, it would only confirm you as a murderer. After all I'm only a helpless reporter." She grinned up with innocent eyes despite being at the mercy of the younger male.

"I'm not a killer, but ending you would rid the world of a true killer." (Y/N) spat out as he defended himself.

"And give birth to a new one." Ashley remarked.

"Shut up! Who sent you to kill Hodgson and then me?" (Y/N) demanded an answer as his fingers yearned to let the arrow fly the short distance to the womans fiery red hair.

"Which do you want? Me to shut up or me to speak?" The hired killer smirked as she tested her luck which evidently angered the tall student who huffed from his nostrils as they flared in rage.

"Stop being a smartass and tell me who you're working for!" (Y/N) couldn't stop himself from snapping at the girl who had caused so many issues throughout the trip all while being hidden amongst the group as a friend.

Suddenly the pair laid rest to their relentless bickering as they heard a wheezing cough and footsteps rapidly coming closer from down the street.

"What'll it be (Y/N)? Swan takes us both down or you let me go and neither of us get caught?" Ashley now steadily rose to her feet which the male allowed as he contemplated his options with an angered scowl spreading across his face, Thing stood on edge upon (Y/N)'s sturdy shoulder cracking his knuckles one by one.

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