Chapter 18: True colours of a killer

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MAJOR TW: disturbing scene towards the end(I'm so so sorry!!)

"My room was trashed, turned upside down whoever did it was looking for Nathaniel Faulkners diary." Wednesday sat before Principal Weems who was now confused at how the diary had found its way into the hands of the Addams.

"That diary should be locked away within the nightshades library." She said mouth agape.

"So you must've read it before? And you know of the Hyde?" Wednesday began her usual bombardment of questions. After consoling her thoughts in silence Weems decided to tell Wednesday's Faulkners tale.

"Faulkner spent years studying Hydes, trying to figure out if they were just simple bloodthirsty killers or something more. He was killed before he could find out."

"All of this time you've known the monster was a Hyde?" The girl stared in almost in disbelief but given the history of cover-ups she was not shocked. "Why didn't you tell the sheriff?"

"To save Nevermore, one whiff of this outside the school and we are done. For good and if you're withholding any information do tell, Miss Addams." Weems towered over the girl seething from the interrogation she was being held hostage by.

"Why would I need to tell you? You don't care what happens to anyone as long as you're job is secure...Am I wrong?" The short girl rebutted.

"Good afternoon, Wednesday." Weems held her hand pointing to the door asking her politely to leave which she did with a glare.

Wednesday left the large office with a small slam of the door before her eyes were met with the sight of Bianca Barclay approaching her with her subtle smile.

"I got some information about Mayor Walkers death, figured this could help you." She provided a file containing many documents about a certain Laurel Gates.

"Thank you."


"Read it?" Wednesday asked holding out her hand to the still chemically mute boy who answered with a nod handing the file back to the young detective.

"I've come to the conclusion that Kinbott is Laurel Gates, your Aunt."

(Y/N) pondered the possibility that his therapist was infact related to him and ontop of that the mastermind puppettering from the background.

'The appearance makes sense, there's a resemblance to the painting and being a therapist gives perfect opportunity to prey on a guy like Tyler. It just doesn't fit.' His inaudible thoughts swirled around his head like a flock of bats.

"I'm going to confront her about it after I leave here, I'll check up on you later." She softly squeezed his palm and laying a kiss upon his head before leaving for the therapists offer.

As Wednesday left (Y/N) dug back around his covers pulling out a tight piece of string tied to a stick the wind has brought in through the window. Setting his fingers on the string he drew it back no longer feeling pain in his appendages.

'No pain, Tyler. Can't get rid of me that easily nothing can stop the worlds greatest marksman.' He smirked admiring his own resilience and his quickened healing now convincing himself that he hasn't lost his talents.


"Kinbott's dead." The Sheriff simply said removing his hat as he spoke to Wednesday and Weems who sat by the side of (Y/N) who was also told the news.

'Wow, I knew about by Aunt for a full hour. Call that a record.' (Y/N)'s face plastered with a dormant look not sure how to react until his girlfriend sprung up.

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