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The news flashed in every public broadcasts for the last two days. It was a rainy Sunday. Being like in a lock down, there were only less people out the city after the horrifying news, circulating for the last two three days.

A car passed through the main road in town, beside the live broadcast news published screen. It made its way to a mansion in a non-residential area.

The area was being like isolated from the city, only long wooden-fruitless, flowerless giant trees surrounded by it, giving an estate vibe. The car parked at the porch and it had been seen in the CCTV camera.

The door of the passenger seat had been opened and Hyunjin got out from it. After a second Minho exited from the driver seat.

Hyunjin was wearing a pastel grey sweat pants with a black t-shirt. His light brown hair was dancing with the wind.

Minho was wearing a royal purple silk shirt, with black skin fit pants. His blonde hair was smooth and didn’t got affected by the wind. Both of them looked well dressed, but have sharp gazes on their face.

They both looked around and turned to the car, the back door opened to exit Jisung.

Jisung was look like a mess, his dark brown hair, all the way towards his shoulder was not being properly brushed. He was wearing a pastel pink pleated short skirt with an off-white sweater.

His face was tensed; eyes are glistening due to some tears. Lips were quivering, not due to the cold-windy rain outside. He was so beautiful, even at this point.

Minho only stared at him for a second, didn’t bother to talk, before started to walk inside.

Hyunjin also followed him. Jisung hesitated a bit before taking the three steps infront of the entrance of the mansion.

The corridor was big and warm. Hyunjin closed the door after the younger came inside. The big golden shade chandler hanged right in the middle of the big hall, lightened the whole place. But Jisung felt uneasy.

“Why are we here?”  he asked, more like a whisper.

Minho stopped in his track, but didn’t turned around, buried both of hands deep inside his pants pocket. Hyunjin turned to Jisung instead.

“Where is he?” Jisung asked again.

“Come with me.” Hyunjin said before taking the steps.

Jisung glanced at Minho. When Minho turned to him, his face was damn serious. Jisung frowned but didn’t cared about Minho at the moment, quickly taking the stairs after Hyunjin.

Minho didn’t, moved from there, his eyes fixed on Jisung, following his movements.

Hyunjin opened a door for the younger and stood at the door frame, moving aside, made a small way for Jisung. The room was dim lighted, Jisung couldn’t see anything properly as he entered the room.

“Is he here?” he asked.

Hyunjin only hummed and pointed at the bed. There was a huge blanket on the bed, looks like someone was resting over it.

Jisung eagerly made his way towards it. His fists clenched while standing near the bed. Eyes glistened as tears started to spill.

He reached to the blanket with his shivering hands.

He slowly began to remove the blanket, but frowned. There was no one beneath it.

Suddenly the lights were on making Jisung to adjust his vision a bit, from the unexpected flash. He blinked his eyes and saw the empty bed.

“Hyung. Why…” he stopped in the middle of his sentence when he turned around to saw something unexpected.

There, he saw a hundreds of pictures and polaroid, sticked and hanged on the wall.

He looked over at that with surprise which turned into something horror later.

All of that pictures were him.
Unconsciously he stepped forward to the wall, didn’t take off his eyes from it.

So many pictures and all were him?

He was sitting, walking, laughing, at his home, street, with his family, friends and everything, everywhere.

“Don’t like the surprise.”

He snapped out from his daze when he heard the sound of the door being locked.

He saw Hyunjin locked the door and turned to him. Jisung become even more tensed when he saw Minho, leaned against the wall next to Hyunjin, smirking at him.

“You… what are you going to do with me? Why you bring me here?” he asked with a feeling of chill shiver runs own through his spine.

“No need to afraid kitten. You are in safe hands, come here.” Minho said as he took a few steps to the younger.

“No. Why did you lie to me that he is here?” Jisung asked, Minho only smirked wider still walking towards him which made Jisung to step a few backward.

“Please… let me go.” He asked. Now he was in pure fear.

How can he not to be? The pictures hanged on the wall had the pictures of him years ago. It was like he was being stacked this long. This made his knees gone weak.

“Please… I-I won’t tell anyone. L-Let me go…” he was stuttering, pleading in a hope that they will allow him to leave.

“I will. Be a good kitten and come to me right now.” Minho opened his arms wide for the younger.

“No.” Jisung shook his head with pure fear and fresh tears in his eyes.

When Minho was about to reach him, Jisung tried to run away. But before he could, a cloth covered his mouth and nose from behind.

It was Hyunjin. Jisung began to struggle. Minho pinned Jisung on the bed, made them three fell onto the bed.

Now Hyunjin was lying with a struggling Jisung on top of him and Minho all above them, was pinning both of his hands on the bed. 

“No use of struggling, baby.” Minho said as he saw how Jisung fighting against them even the last minute before being passed out.

His legs were slowly, begin to stop kicking and hands became weak, leaving his whole body weight on Hyunjin.

His head resting on Hyunjin’s stomach, which Hyunjin slowly made his way out from under Jisung.

Minho on the other hand, slowly removed the cloth from the younger’s face and admired it. A smile crept over his face.

“Silly kitten. Think that you could escape from me?” he whispered and wiped the teardrop that were spilled out from his closed eyes.

He kissed his cheeks and side face before standing up next to Hyunjin.

Both of them didn’t leave their eyes off from the younger. He was so beautiful laying on the bed, his short skirt became even more short, showing most of the pale skin of his upper thighs. 

“What are we going to do to her, hyung?” Hyunjin asked to him.

“Hmm?” Minho raised an eyebrow with his handsome smirk turned to Hyunjin for a second before turning back to the younger.

His eyes changed instantly when he gazed at the younger this time.

“Let’s have our delicious meal.”

Hyunjin also smirked at this, both of them looked at the younger with sharp eyes and dangerous smirk.

Jisung was in a deep sleep, in that room, unknown to the world outside.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now