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Seungmin observed through the microscope and looked at the samples. He then took off his gloves and walked to the washbasin.

“Same as the previous. First impression is like that.” He said to Chan who was with the juniors.

“So, you are saying the person could be the same too?” Chan asked.

“The pattern is same. If you want an accurate answer then, you are the one who actually find it.” Seungmin said.

Yeonjun and Soobin laughed but quickly shut up. Chan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

“That’s not what I mean, I am asking about your impression actually.” Chan said.

“As I told you earlier, the first impression is same. But let me tell you, this time, the killer must have used sharp object the most. The wounds and cuts made sure that.” Seungmin said.

“What about the DNA report?” he asked.

“We are working on it.” Felix entered with Changbin at that time.

“Based the missing people’s DNA that you had given us, were not matching with any of the body sample.” Felix said.

“There was a reporter named Jae Mingu was missing. We are here with his DNA.” Yeonjun said and give that to Felix.

“Let me go through it and give you the details asap.” Felix said.

“Thank you.” Chan said and they all slightly bowed each other.

“Wait!” Seungmin called them to turn back.

“Yes?” Chan asked.

“Sorry for not to inform you earlier, but a blood sample that does not matching to the victim was recovered from the crime scene.” Seungmin said.

“What? How? Whose?” Changbin asked.

“We couldn’t match the DNA yet. But the blood is more, thicker than usual. We had send that for detail examination.” Felix said.

“Which crime scene?” Changbin asked.

“Officer Jung Gaon.” Seungmin replied.

“How much time does it takes?” Changbin asked as Chan furrowed and listen carefully.

“Probably more than seven days.” Felix said.

“Hmm. Thanks for the information.” Chan said and they walked.

“What was that? Is that not a human blood?” Soobin asked.

“Maybe an animal or something?” Yeonjun asked, “But how can that be possible for a wild animal to be in the middle of a city like this?”

“Ghouls maybe?” Soobin asked.

“Guys, don’t stress over. We know we will find it out, so don’t force yourself too hard which will lead to not seeing something important.” Chan said.

“Hyung, what about dogs? There must be chance for stray dogs too.” Changbin said.

“Possible but not possible. Dogs won’t use sharp objects. There is certainly a human brain behind it.” Chan said.

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Hela was working on her computer while Minho came there with a cup of coffee.

“Hey sweetie.” He called her and hugged her shortly, still she on the chair.

“Hey handsome. What made you to come here?” she rested her head on her palm.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now