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“So you consider me as one of your hook ups?”

The sentence made Minho to stop on his tracks.

“I know that. That’s why I avoided you. I hate you. Being use and throw like that. I hate you, I hate you and I hate you even more than Bae Seungyol.”

Jisung startled at the broken sound of a glass. Not inside the room, but he threw it out. He turned to Jisung and sending him a death glare.

“You hate me that much?” he asked.

Jisung didn’t say anything, just looked at him, all feared.

“I won’t accept that hate anymore. Don’t lie to my face again.”

With that, Minho walked out from the room. Jisung sat there at the ground, crying.

“Come.” Jeongin welcomed Jisung to have the dinner.

Jisung, was being the first time, seeing the huge dining room with so many chairs situated around. Everyone was sitting over there, except Minho.

Jisung ran his eyes through the hall, but couldn’t find the one who he searched. His puffy eyes filled more tears of despair. A hand on his shoulder made him to look there. It was Felix.

The elder smiled at him. It was not like the way or smile he usually do when he saw him, but a sincere one.

“Let’s have dinner.” He said and guided Jisung to the table.

Seungmin was sitting there, pulled him to wards the chair near him. On the other side of him Chan also smiled at him. Felix went to sit next to Changbin who was sitting next Hyunjin. Jeongin sat next to Jisung.

The seven of them had their dinner in silent. Minho was nowhere near there. Jisung lost his appetite and got up.

“Finished already?” Chan asked.

“Yes.” Jisung said.

“I am Bang Chan, the oldest among them. Call me Chan hyung.” He said with a smiled.

“I am Lee Felix, working with Seungmin as a forensic surgeon.” Felix said.

“I am Seo Changbin, working with Chan hyung. Police.” Changbin said with a chuckle.

“Since you gained our trust, no need to be locked yourself in that room. Free to roam around. But please inside the mansion. We don’t them to find you out so soon.” Felix said with a smile and scratched back of him neck.

“Han Jisung.” Jisung said and bowed before walking back to the room.

Nothing else. This made the others look at each other. They didn’t want to see all these after all. They began to like Jisung.
Minho was sitting on the chair at the garden in the night. The compound was big, so many roses, no need to afraid of wild animals or creatures even at night because of the big boundaries. Not like in Bae mansion though, this was more, huge than that. Even Minho couldn’t jump.

“How long will you stand out like this?”

He turned around to saw Chan walked towards him. He turned back to his view and continued, sipping his drink.

“Man, are you crazy? Didn’t have any guts to see a mere girl, couldn’t eat anything, to avoid seeing her and sipping your drinks at this dark? Where is the whole confident, playboy Lee Minho?” he asked as he sat next to him.

“Wanna drink?” Minho asked as he sipped, “Since it is a happy day for you, have some.”

Chan chuckled, “There you got me. Don’t tell Seungmin.” He said and take one.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now