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Minho watched the cool breeze after the noon blowed Jisung’s hair.

His focused eyes and gently hand movement, made Minho’s lips to curve a smile.

Jisung flinched and immediately sat up right when he spotted Minho at his room.

Minho smirked and made his way inside the room.

“What are you doing here?” Jisung asked but Minho didn’t answer. “Wait! Don’t come inside.”

He said as he got up from the bed and stopped Minho.

Minho didn’t stop but came further inside. Jisung ran and stopped him, by pressing his hands above Minho’s chest.

Minho looked at the small hands over his broad and hard chest then Jisung.

“Why? Am I not welcome here?” he asked.

His tone has a mixture of teasing and hotness. Jisung have his weak body weaken even more at that.

“No, you are not. Get out.” Jisung said with his bold voice.

Minho chuckled, “No. I want to stay with you.”

“Mr. Lee, Hela must have fallen for your charms but not me. It’s inappropriate to flirt with someone’s wife.” He said.

“But, that someone is not around here and there is no rule there that we can’t have a moment with someone’s wife?”

These words made Jisung to think that Minho is an ultimate pervert and playboy pro max.

“I am warning you. Get out this instant or I will call mom.” He said.

“The kitten is getting angry.” He slowly enveloped the small palms of Jisung, still on top of his chest.

Jisung widened his eyes as he withdraws his hands, but Minho was so fast, grabbed both of his wrists, didn’t allowed his to get away.

Jisung and Minho locked their eye at each other. Minho was not even blinking at him, as his gaze was getting intense, his grasp on his wrists also tightened.

Jisung got tensed, his eyes were getting watered slightly, breath began to be seep up. Minho can feel this and smiled at him.

“Don’t be scared, I just want to…”
Before Minho could finish his words, Jisung pushed him. Minho who was unexpecting this, fell on the floor.

“Pervert!” he yelled at him.

Just then Hela came inside there, to saw a furious Jisung and a Minho on the floor.

“You!” she yelled and walked inside. “What the hell are you doing Jisung?”

“I…” Jisung was out of words.
“What’s happening here?” Sujin also came there.

Hela helped Minho to get up from the floor. He was confused at the sudden yelling of Hela, but also how late Jisung’s response were. The boy was all nervous, so much.

“Auntie…” she walked towards Sujin. “Jisung pushed Mr. Lee on the floor. I think he…”

Sujin frowned, “Jisung what?”

“He was trying to seduce Mr. Lee for a while. I think he invited him to this room for this.” Hela said.

“W-What?” Jisung widened his eyes.

“Auntie Bae, I think there is a misunderstanding happening here. I am the one who came to meet Mrs. Bae and…” Minho was speaking but Sujin motioned him to stop.

“Jisung, did you pushed him on the floor?” she asked.

Jisung was all nervous and nodded. A loud slap echoed through the room. Minho was surprised to saw the younger, on the floor by the force of the slap.

“Bitch, you are pain in the ass. I am fed up of you. Don’t dare to come out from this room.” She spat at him.

Hela huffed before following Sujin out of the room. Minho turned to Jisung, sitting on the floor.

Finally, the tears fallen out from his eyes, the small droplets spilled on the floor.

Minho looked at him. Jisung was in a daze, he looked up a Minho. Their eyes met at the nth time of this day.

But it was not like the usual ones, this time Jisung was like a statue, dead eyes, only teary to be called as live.

Minho slowly walked out of the room. His steps were slow; he was also in a daze.

“Sorry Minho.” Sujin said when he reached down. “He was not like this usually. Maybe he is stressed or…”

“No need to worry. It was not him who…” Minho cut off Sujin suddenly but his sentence was trailed down at the end.

“You are a good young man, always matured and reasonable. Sorry for the inconvenient you have felt in our house.” She said.

“It’s ok, don’t worry.” He said with a small smile, “I will take my leave now. Please inform Hyunjin for me.”

“You have no car. Hela, please drop him in my car.” She said.

“Come often, consider this as your house too. You are just like Hyunjin to us.” She said before they gone out.

The whole drive was silent. Hela was more concentrated on the road, but she was observing Minho too.

He looks like, he is in deep thoughts. It was the first time, she seeing a cheerful talkative Minho was all silent for fifteen minutes straight.

“Jisung is a slut. Don’t mind him. Hope you are okay oppa.” Hela said as they pulled out at the drive way towards Minho’s apartment.

Minho turned to her and smiled, “Thanks sweetheart. He is not my type though, even if he aims me.”

This made Hela’s face a bit happy. It was blooming and it was not gone unnoticed by Minho.

“Good, I just wanted to hear that.” She said.

“You love me, don’t you?” he asked to her.

She was puzzled at first, but he remained an eye-contact with her, placing his palms on her left cheeks which surprised her.

“Don’t lie.” He whispered.

“Yes.” She nodded with a faint whisper.

He smiled. “Good girl, my girl.”

He said as they both leaned forward. Hela closed her eyes, waited to kiss and to be kissed. But nothing came. She opened her eyes to saw Minho was only staring at her.

“Oppa?” she called making him blinked then smiled at her.

“Hide this as a secret from others. We can burst this out when the right time comes.”

He said and kissed on her cheeks. She blushed at the sudden contact. Minho got out from the car and walked towards the elevator before waving a good bye.

As he passed a pillar, a shadow figure came out from the dark, one after the other. They two looked at each other and Minho who now got onto the elevator.

“Who was that girl?” one asked.

“His lover?” the other one said with a smirk.

“Hmm, she looks so fine.” The first one said making they both chuckled.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now