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A/N - this one will be a bit boring because it's just some talk. Skip it you want


"If I ask you some questions, will you be honest?" the raven-haired asked, eyes still locking at the moon-eye.

"That's what this "date" is actually about. Just for getting know eachother right?" Ruby said, moving her sight to the sky. Admiring the beautiful view.

"If that so, it's this you werewolf form?" Wednesday ask with a simple question first, not wanting to push the dark-reddish-haired. In addition she's also have tons of questions in her head about the dark-reddish-haired. She just have to choose which one to ask first.

"Haft-form" they said coldly.

"I'm not that weak" they added.

"How you full form is like then?" Her tone was emotionless yet somehow show that she had an interest to know about it.

"I don't know. . " The moon-eye said in slow tone, more like a whisper.

"You never fully wolf-out?"

"Yeah" they whispered while having a flashback about their cursed.

"I see then" Wednesday let out before silent that it's place once again.

Wednesday eyes gazing over the sky, looking at the shining stars and the full moon. She think that she need to ease the situation a bit. She's only do it so she could get all of her answer, it's "not" like she cared.

"I heard about the violinist ghost. Didn't you scare coming here at this time?" The raven-haired said.

"I don't believe in ghost, plus that's just rumours" they let out a chuckle, smiling slightly because of some reason.

"Some students got injured because of it, how can it just a rumours?" Wednesday paused.

"Or you think that there's someone behind it" Wednesday added.

"I just don't believe in ghost" Ruby chuckle.

"Why you still came here if you knew about the ghost?" Ruby asked back.

"I don't care what type of creature it is. I just want my answer" Wednesday said.

Ruby just felt a bit comfortable as they think two of them started to make a normal conversation. But, it shattered because of Wednesday sudden question.

"Why did you run from me today?" She said.

"I had to" their expression turn into small sad again, but they still play it cool.

"Rowan did die, did he?" Wednesday ask because how off the boy act today.

"Yeah" that's all let out from Ruby's mouth. They suddenly having flashback how bad Rowan dead body was. It look shattered like it just a broken glass.

"You plan to hide it with Principal Weems. Is it correct?" Hearing another question about it make Ruby losing her mood.

"Hm-hmm" the only hummed in response getting lazy by the raven-haired questions.

"Where's Rowan dead body?" -w

"I don't know. ." -r

Silent approach then once again.

"Are you hurt?" Wednesday whisper. Her tone is a bit softer this time.

"Wait" Ruby turn shock.

"Hang on the damn second" they sit up not believe what they heard.

"Did I make the cold hearted Wednesday Addams concern about my well being?" The moon-eye said looking at the raven-haired.

"First, black hearted. Second, I don't care" Wednesday stare at the dark-reddish-haired with murderous look, sending some shiver to the their body.

"Whatever you say" Ruby roll her eyes jokingly.

"Do that again and I'll poke you eyes out" Wednesday threat.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" Ruby said while lay again on the thin blanket.

"Can I touch your ear?" Wednesday asked.

"Pervert" -r

"It's for my experiment to add my knowledge" -w

"I didn't say no" -r

"Good, because I won't except "no" as an answer" Wednesday said sitting up. Ruby follow the raven-haired action. Both of them sat facing eachother.

Ruby lean down to make them shorter so Wednesday can reach their ears.

"Just be soft with it okay" Ruby said as they felt the raven-haired hand on their werewolf ear.

Wednesday rub it for a few seconds, just to getting use with the texture. She saw the dark-reddish-tail relaxed on Ruby's lap. She decided to grab the moon-eye tail. Ruby shocked by the raven-haired sudden action they look at the raven immediately but Wednesday seem focused of their tail.

The raven notice that the texture of their fur is very soft, like more soft than other dog fur can be. For her, it's far from what she's imagine.

"Did you take care of it often?"  The raven asked, touching it for a few last time.

"Kinda. . . I just like it fluffy" the moon-eye said.

"It look hideous. Not in a bad way" Wednesday said looking at it for the last time.

"Thanks" ruby swing it to her back, wagging it for a few time before relaxing it.

"Let's just lay down and admiring the sky. It's that okay?" The dark-reddish-haired asked.

"Whatever" The raven answer but still following the moon-eye action.

Their eyes just lock at the sky, admiring how beautiful it is. It was nearly midnight, and the night sky was picturesque. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon. The night sky was so clear that anyone could almost see every crater. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow, surrounding by the shining bright stars.

It's was a perfect view, for the perfect night, for the perfect date.

Literally perfection.

❥︎ 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𑁍 [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now