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"Thing! I know what we need-" Wednesday said in a heavy breath. But her words cut off as she see Thing already put everything it find beside to the raven-haired girl.

There is a black rose neckless, a note sheet, few letters from the raven mother and a diary.

As Wednesday think she's losing time. She take the every she saw except the black rose neckless. The raven-haired and Thing run off the room immediately. Not to forget to place the neckless to back where it was.


"So how it's going?" Principle Weems said to the person in front of her.

"Bad. Like so so bad" The dark-reddish-haired said before taking a sip from her tea.

"She refused the offer?" The taller women asked with one eyebrow up.

"She except. . " The moon-eye said.

"But. . " They look to the tea cup. Weems look at the dark-reddish-haired curiously.

"She know that I'm friend with Tish" They added in a bit shaky tone.

"I'm just offered her to play my violin and then, boom. She had a vision and she saw it. Me and Tish" The moon-eye explained a bit frustrating by the situation they're in.

"I'm just trying some luck and it shattered" They let out before taking another sip from their cup of tea.

"It's not a bad thing. You and Tish just best friend. We were all best friend back there" Weems said not seeing any major problem to the dark-reddish-haired statement.

"But Wednesday think it was something else! Something more" They said half-shouted.

"I'm trying to explained it to her but she's ignoring me!" They added actually shouted this time.

"Alright, alright no need to raise your voice at me. I can call her if you want to. And I'll her what actually it is" Weems said giving the moon-eye the solution.

They imagine the scene of Weems idea, and they see it might going well so the moon-eye agree to that idea.

"You the best!"
Ruby let out with a smile.


Few hours passed both of them just talking about the school mostly before suddenly a knock heard from the office door.

Before Larissa could say "come in", Enid run inside immediately.

"Ms. Weems, there's incident on the quad area!" The blonde said panicking.

"Yoko was drinking and suddenly she pass out! And then, there's also another student who just sit us with her sandwich and she's suddenly have a bad stomachache!"

Larissa and Ruby shocked. Larissa stand immediately telling Enid to brought the two sick girl to the infirmary.

Three of them reach the infirmary not so long after. Enid can't help but letting tears coming out from her eyes. The dark-reddish-haired wrapped their hand around the blonde, pulling the shorter girl closer to them.

Enid hug her best friend to search for comfort, ending up crying on the moon-eye shoulder.

"Please excuse us" Ruby said, leading the short blonde outside the infirmary. The principal nodded as a "yes"

Both of them go to Enid room, Enid change into her comfortable cloth and both of them sat on the bed.

"My poe-cup team is ruined" Enid said before lean to the moon-eye shoulder.

"Come on. Don't say that, I'm sure everything gonna be fine" the dark-reddish-haired said to calm the blonde beside them.

Suddenly Ruby heard a notification from their phone. They look it up and found a message from the principal of Nevermore.



Is Ms. Sinclair with you?

Those two kid got food poisoning, the vampire because of garlic.

Do you think anyone behind this?


Ruby read the text. They knew someone have done this on purpose, they just need to know who.

Enid heard a typing noise from the person beside her, but her mind is to tired to know who's they been texting.



Yeah, she is.

I don't know, we'll discuss this later.

See you later.


"Someone told me Yoko got food poisoning because of garlic. I'm sure that gonna take a while" the moon-eye whisper softly to the girl beside them.

"How about the other one?" Enid let out with a shaky voice. Another tears come out from her eyes.

"Just a normal food poisoning. But I not sure how it gonna take"  They said while hugging their werewolf friend closer.

"I'm gonna lose" Enid said with frustrated tone. Her hand covered her while she let herself out from the the dark-reddish-haired hold.

"Awww, don't said that" Ruby said circle the blonde back with their hand.

"There's only two people in my team, there's no way I get a chance" Enid said. Her hands left her face as she turn to face the dark-reddish-haired.

It took a while for the moon-eye to said something as they were busy thinking.

"No, there's three"

❥︎ 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𑁍 [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now