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"Actually, it wasn't open for a member, this is a secret club. No one in this semester know about it beside me, Principal Weems and you" Ruby explained.

"If that's so, I'm leaving" Wednesday said making her way out.

"Wait!" Ruby called.

"Since you break the code. W-will you join my club?" Ruby said looking down.

Wednesday look at the odd dark-reddish-haired. They seem to be the cool one usually. Even they do have other feeling inside, but it always hidden by their fake smile.

"I'll consider it of you put more confident in that" the raven-haired girl said.

Ruby take a deep breath to relax themselves. They close their eyes to think what to say.

"You already break the code for the access, there's no other choice than being one of the Instrument Club member" They said confidently.

"However, everything that happened hear must be a secret. Tell a soul and nightmare will be your company" they added, they voice it a bit shaky at the end but they did try their best.

"If that so, you know my answer" Wednesday said walking closer to the dark-reddish-haired.

"Have you ever play violin before?" They asked.

"Never, but my mother had said it sound soothing. She said, she used to have a friend to play it for her when she had a hard time to sleep. Before she met my father" Wednesday word make the dark-reddish-haired lips form up a soft smile.

"Do you want me to teach you? You can give it a try" they said, handing the violin the raven-haired.

Once Wednesday touch it a vision come to her mind. She fall on her back, luckily the dark-reddish-haired had time to catch her.

Looking at the raven-haired with a soft smile, they place their instrument on the floor while holding the raven-haired close to them.


Wednesday mind running back to the old time. She saw the young version of her mother sitting beside a dark-reddish-haired lady in blazer, playing the violin for her. A soft smile appeared on both of them. Not to the mentioned a matching necklace with a small black rose inside the crystal.

The note that been played with soothing, a long soft note that sure can help people to sleep.

"Thank you-"


Wednesday mind fall back to the reality. Her eyes wide open and the first thing she saw was the dark-reddish-haired.

"What happened?" Ruby asked innocently. Wednesday get out from the moon-eye hold looking around her surrounding once more.

"I-I had a vision" she said.

"Do you mother went to Nevermore" Wednesday asked to the moon-eye. A small hint of panicked could be scent in her voice.

"Hey, calm down. Why don't you tell me about your vision?" The dark-reddish-haired said softly. It's kind of odd looking at them this soft.

"I am calm. However, I saw my mother beside a dark-reddish-haired lady with a long hair play the violin to her. They look. . . Close"  the raven-haired explain.

"Could you tell me about the lady?" Ruby asked.

"She waring a black blazer with a red shirt just like the drawing on the wall. But I see her more detailed, she had a black rose neckless that are matching with my mother" Ruby just nodded in response.

"Do you think that's your relative?" Wednesday asked the moon-eye.

"I don't think so. I'm the only one with this hair colour" They said.

"I'm going to Principal Office" she said leaving the moon-eye behind.

Just as she about to reach the wall she heard a familiar song. The song she heard in her vision.

Looking back, she saw the right posture. The dark-reddish-haired hair was now lose, letting it move freely. Their eyes are close with a soft smile perform on their lips.

Wednesday was leave in utterly shocked. She can't believe what she saw right.

She faced the walk in from of her, found the odd of the wall. There a circle that are a bit out from the wall. She push it back inside and the door open once again. She leaves immediately, run back to her room as the school hour had been over for a while.

Ruby that are still inside, just looking at the floor. The violin sound slowly fade out. All the memories of them with their club member, with their best friend that they thought was their soulmate. It's all was made here and it's still fresh in their mind.

They miss their old classmates because it was the most memorable one. But time flies and people in Nevermore just come and go. They already used to it.

"The time passed just like my hope for you" that whispered just for them to hear. That familiar sentence was make by them, it was their feeling.

'I need to explain everything to Wednesday'

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