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"Hey. . . Mind if I sit here?" A voice said to the raven-haired.

Wednesday seem know who it is by how his sounds like, but she decided to look up just to make sure her guess.

Just like she thought it was Xavier Thorpe. The raven nodded as a yes before focus more on her food.

A small "Thanks" let out from Xavier mouth. He sit right in front of the black-haired girl.

"Why didn't you just sit with the others? You know, Enid, Yoko... ?" He asked.

Silent approach them as he just waiting for Wednesday to answer.

One minute
Two minutes
Three minutes

"I not going to mix up with bunch of weird people" Wednesday said coldly.

"Ouch" Xavier let out jokingly while look down. That's simple sentence do got his heart shattered.

Another silent approach the two. But not a comfortable silent. A torturing one.


"Where is Ruby?" Wednesday let out while staring into Xavier eyes murderously. Her tone was colder than her usually tone. She's didn't sound like asking, but more like a. . . command? Like a threat that if Xavier didn't give her any information, he might need to sleep with eyes open tonight.

Wednesday think that this might be the right opportunity to asked about the dark-reddish-haired, since both of them look quite close.

Xavier can't help but shiver by those murderous glare. He might just commit suicide if the haft-dead girl in front of her want to.

"I. . D-didn't know" He said started. After two minutes having a hard time to speak.

"T-they didn't tell me anything. But I think they might be in their room" Xavier added. He's looking everywhere but the raven-haired herself despite of those murderous look that send shiver to his spine.

"Thank you" Wednesday said in low tone, like a whisper but loud enough for Xavier to hear. It didn't even sound sincerely. More like she had to said it. Somehow she had to.

Wednesday stand and leave immediately. Xavier don't even notice when the raven-haired finish her food. He was shiver as hell and can't even think straight.

Now Xavier was left alone, at the corner of the cafeteria. Alone.


Thing tried to open the door but it's locked. Seem like it's been locked from the inside since he know someone is inside the room. He just need to get in from the other way.

Thing land on the balcony of Ruby's room. He tried to open the glass door and thanked god it wasn't locked.

Thing walk in and face the dark-reddish-haired on the bed. Suddenly he heard someone trying to open the main door of the room.

Not think twice he knew it was Wednesday, he unlocked it from the inside of the room and open the door for the raven-haired girl.

"Where're they?" Wednesday asked, directly look at the hand in from of her. Despite of looking down, she didn't notice the dark-reddish-haired at the bed than actual can be detected easily if she looking in her eyes level.

Thing point one of his finger to the bed. Immediately Wednesday's eyes followed up to where Things pointed.

Immediately saw the sleeping dark-reddish-haired on the bed, Wednesday walk closer. She look at the "dead" figure in front of her.

It look like the dark-reddish-haired life it's already end. The dead figure look quite real when their breath was so slow. The sleeping pose showing that they is uneasy, like they're quietly having a nightmare.

"Should I wake them?" Wednesday asked to Thing in slow tone. She didn't want to wake the moon-eye up but look them in this condition was like a torture to her eyes. The one she didn't enjoy.

*Tap* Thing signaled a yes.

Not wasting time Wednesday immediately shake the dark-reddish-haired. Not so hard, but not so slow either. It's enough to see the moon-eye body shake. Well Addams was raised for not being soft.

"Y-yeah, yeah. . I'm awake. . " they said in panic but also still sleepy at the same time. Wednesday let go of them as she know they're awake.

"Hmm. .?" The dark-reddish-haired said sleepily while rubbing their eyes.

"Hey. . Wends. . " They added as soon as they noticed the raven-haired.

"It's dinner. You should be at the cafeteria" Wednesday said in more serious tone. Well she had her own reason.

"I'm not really hungry. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" They said in slow tone then move to lay back on the soft mattress.

Not even being in the comfortable position, suddenly a pair of hands pull them out from the bed. The moon-eye land on the floor harshly.

"OW!" They screamed as their head hit the hard floor. This was shocked.

"Okay, okay give me a minute!" the moon-eye half-shouted to the raven-haired that pull their pale leg. Somehow Wednesday feel satisfied.

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