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Wednesday wake up from her half-dead. She's quickly get ready for school and her other plan. But before that, she go to the cafeteria to get some food for breakfast.

When she arrived, she saw Ruby, Enid and the others of their friends gang there. The raven-haired quickly take two sandwiches and immediately approach the gang, or actually just for that one person.

Suddenly, Ruby felt a tap on their shoulder.

"Hmm?" They hummed and look at their back. Only found Wednesday there looking at her with those murderous eyes of her.

"I need to talk with you" Wednesday said coldly, like her usual tone.

"Go on" the dark-reddish-haired said as they have no idea what the raven-haired want to talk about.

"Alone." The raven said with more colder tone. Her eyes glaring at those moon-eyes because of Ruby stupidity.

"Oh. Sure!" Ruby said. Their tone show a bit of excitement. Well, who's not getting excited get a call from their cold, secret parther?

"See ya!" Ruby said to the gang before leaving the the raven-haired that already walk away.

"I can't believe they are together!" Enid said excitedly. She's even brought her hands close her body because of her excitement.

"Do they actually together?" Ajax asked, being the stupid one as always. Xavier just slightly groan at his question. He's clearly want to drop the topic about Wednesday and Ruby.

Enid nodded a few time. Still being slightly excited and happy for her best friend.

"Whoaa! Really?! That's sick!" Ajax said also getting excited and fitting in Enid vibe.

"I don't think so" Xavier said. Trying to cover up his anger.

"Not being a jerk, but I'm with Xavier. I don't think Wednesday is that type of girl" Yoko said beside Enid.

"Aww come on! They are cute together. We need to ship them!" Enid said try to manipulate the vampire.

"Sorry but, it's Wednesday Addams. So I'm out. I'm rather not have her showering with my blood" Yoko said. She's bringing her hand to the air as the hint she's clearly not talking anything about Wednesday and Ruby.

Enid pout and decided to just drop the topic.

"It's okay Enid, I'm with you" Ajax said while finger guns at Enid.


On the other side of the story, Wednesday brought Ruby to the garden behind the school. Where their first date is.

"So, what you want to talk about?" The dark-reddish-haired asked with one eyebrow up face.

"It's there another secret club in here? Maybe the one that needed a mask" The raven asked. Her tone is a bit calm than just cold.

"W-what?" Ruby eyes widened. They're shocked because of the raven question.

"I said, it's there another secret club in Nevermore that needed the club member to wear a mask" Wednesday repeated. She's talk clearly to make sure that Ruby understand her question.

'I can't tell her! Not yet!' Ruby's eyes look everywhere but the girl in front of them.

"I-" Ruby stutter, looking for an excuse. Suddenly their brain can't function well.

"You don't want to tell me. Isn't it?" Wednesday said as she understands the moon-eyes body language. At least she know there is another secret club.

"I can't. Not yet" Ruby look down, just stare at the ground.

Wednesday take one step closer, making the body on few inches away from eachother.

"Whatever you this you're doing, I would like to tell you that I'm doing this to solve a case about a page I found from Rowan. And also about the monster, I'm still looking for a clue" Wednesday said with her face looking up at the dark-reddish-haired.

Slowly Ruby felt a cold hand reaching the side of their face. A blush crossed on their cheeks as a response.

"So, can you show me where it is? Cara mia..." Wednesday added, in a whisper tone.

"S-sure" Ruby let out in whisper. For sure now they're fluttered mess making them have no other choice than just give in.


"It's there" Ruby said pointing to the statue in front of them. Both of them actually at Quad area. Somehow there's no one there. Maybe everyone it's at the cafeteria.

"How do we get in?" Wednesday asked. Complete have no clue since she didn't look around the statue yet.

"You want the easy way of the hard way?" Ruby asked back. They know that the raven-haired it's different than the other. That's why they asked first.

"The hard way." Wednesday said without even thinking.

"There's a riddle on the statue. Solve it and you will know how" Ruby said before trying to leave.

"Wait." The raven said coldly. Her hand quickly reach the pale skin of Ruby's hand.

"I have a more thing to ask" Wednesday said.

"What it is?" Ruby said. Their eyes slowly looking at the raven eyes.

"Can you do fencing?" Wednesday asked.

"Why is that?" Ruby asked back.

"I want you to help me with fencing, to beat Bianca" Wednesday let out. Even she's actually have another motive.

"I'll give it a try" Ruby said before actually leaving.

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