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Okay, it was not a dream. Thank god! But still I'm thinking about what happend the other night. I ate some breakfast and went photographing the city. I love photographing it's my favorite hobby. Im just a beginner.

I walked into a cafe and got a message from Gavi he asked if I wanted to meet. I ask why and he said he wanted to get to know me better. I sent my location and waited until he came by. I bought him a croissant and a coffee.

We talked a bit about ourself and the people around us were staring at us like we were aliens. I hate that boys and girls can't even sit together or they will get marked "boyfriend and girlfriend". They're eyes were burning on me.

Suddenly Gavi asked what i did in my free time. I told him I really like photographing. He smiled and asked what kind of photos I make.

"I just make photos of human" I said with a laugh.

"Than it's maybe your lucky day."

"My luckyday?" I asked

"Xavi asked if I could find somebody who can take they're personal photos for me and the team."


"So you wanna do the job Lily?" He asked.

It was all in a rush but I said yes!

We drank our coffee and walked across the street.

"Lily, Xavi wants to meet you, you know for the job".

Sure I got in Gavi car and we'd drove to the Camp Nou. When we got inside I got a little nervous. Gavi tried to comfort me but I shook it all of. I was now sitting in a room with Gavi beside me. I needed to show the pictures I made from other people to Xavi to prove I was a "good" photographer.

"You're really good Miss Contreras, good job finding her Gavi". I smiled

Gavi and I were walking back to the car until I bumped in to Pedri. Gavi just walked off but Pedri wanted to tell me something.

"Hi Lily! Need to tell you something".

What's is it? I asked.

"Gavi likes you, come on don't you see it?" Pedri said.

Mhm I don't know but I think he is a little showoff.

"Lily, trust me if Gavi likes you he'll do everything to be with you".

Damn if that's true I think this job will be hard on me but will see. I walked to Gavi car where he was waiting for me. I got in the car and Gavi immediately asked what Pedri told me. Nothing special, I said.

Gavi POV
Mhm Lily "nothing special". I think I know what Pedri said to Lily. It just a little weird for me I've been always praised by any girl who comes across but I'm surprised that Lily on the other hand doesn't give me a hit of attention. She does a little but not like those other girls. I want her attention, although maybe I want more than that but idk.

Back to Lily's POV
Gavi brought me back home and I ate some dinner and told my dad all the stuff that happened. He was so happy for me.

1 month later
I hit the alarm clock on the bedside table to my right. 8:15 am; I had to get ready if I wanted to get to Camp Nou on time.

It's been a month, well, exactly twenty-two days, since I went to the game with my dad, and today is, so to speak, my first day working for FC Barcelona. Today ill introduce myself to the staff, bosses, and players.
I'm in the shower, twenty five minutes later I get out. I stand in front of the closet and choose a nice outfit.

I take the keys to my car and leave the house. I open the car, get in and drive to Camp Nou.

I turned on the radio. It was a very sunny day, a happy day. I happily began to sing the song that was heard.

I couldn't be happier with my new job, after working in a small bar where they gave me the minimum, I managed to make my effort as a photographer's attempt pay off. I knew very well that with the good salary they would give me for my new job I could become self-employed in no long time.

i parked the car and walked to the entrance. A woman was already waiting for me.

"Welcome. Lily, right?" said a woman about forty years old and very well dressed.


I smiled.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Christine, but call me Christi," she introduced herself. "Come with me, I'll show you around.

She smiled and I nodded.

"These are the cameramen, your new colleagues," Christi said, standing in a room full of screens where there were shots they had taken before.

They all came to greet me and welcome me. You could tell I was the youngest there.

"As you can see, we are currently reviewing the recordings we made of the training our players just did," She pointed to one of the screens.

I nodded. Christi advanced until she reached another room, something bigger.

"This is where the VAR staff is placed in the games," she told me. "But as you know, you're here to photograph the players, whether in a session or on the pitch."

"Yes, yes," I said with a smile.

Everyone was very nice, I felt welcome.

We arrived at a kind of dressing room. It was seen that the players had already finished training, they were all already changed, ready to leave.

"Xavi," she called.

"Hey," he said in the form of a greeting.

I smiled as I held out my hand. He narrowed it down for me.

"A pleasure. Come, let me introduce you to the stars. "You're going to be spending a lot of time with us," he said cheerfully.

As a photographer for the national team, I have to travel with them. Whether they have a match in Madrid, I have to go with them, photograph it, edit it and upload it to FC Barcelona's official account. That's exactly my job.

"Guys, this is your new photographer, the one who will accompany us at all times, in competitions and training.

I shook hands with them all. Gavi and Pedri were smiling at me. This is the new start my new job!
I was so happy. I walked to the cafeteria and sat down. Pedri walked past and sat on the chair next to me. "You know what I told you a few weeks ago,  about Gavi liking you. He admitted it to me. Lily he's in love with you". I didn't know what to say I didn't feel anything for Gavi I saw him as a friend but still he is so sweet maybe I should give him a chance.

After staying with Christi another time and talking about a few other things, I left. I went home with a smile, because I had felt comfortable in my workspace. What I didn't know was that tomorrow some big thing happend that the whole thing changed.

That One Game - Gavi storyWhere stories live. Discover now