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today is my birthday!!

It was one of the best sleeps of my life. After still recovering from jet lag, I really needed a long night's sleep.

I woke up around 5am - I didn't open my eyes at night, and I could have sworn I heard our front door open, but I was too tired to check it out, so I left it that way.

I turned to the big spoon, Gavi who was wide awake. he saw me sleeping.

Once we faced each other, he smiled like I'd never seen him smile before.

"Happy Birthday beautiful!" he said and kissed me right after.

"Thank you sweetie" I replied as I melted into his arms. "I could stay here forever" I said.

Gavi and I went downstairs seeing Ferran cooking in the kitchen and a bouquet of flowers standing on the table with a bunch of other presents

I looked to Ferran who came to hug me

"did you do this?"I asked him

"breakfast?yes, the flowers?no it was here when I came" he replied handing me a mug of tea

"hmm" I hummed drinking the tea before putting it on the counter

We went over and sat on the carpet while I picked up the couple's first present.

It was a barca top with 'lils' (his nickname to me) with the number 30 on the back. I almost jumped back into his arms to hug and kiss him.

I opened the other presents.

One of my favorites was the same necklace he bought me all those months ago, the one I once lost in the pool. He bought me a new one right after it happened, but it wasn't the same one. This one is special for me.

"Thank you Gavi, I'm really blessed with you" I said.

"It's not that, there's another present, let me go and get it". He ran off, I don't know where, but I waited, just not as long as he was back in a minute.

He came back with a huge box, it was so heavy that he was dragging the box.

There was a note, 'Lily get us out of here asap xx badboy and Sira'

Julie and Sira

they were here

I hugged them.
oh but they were stuck in the box, I looked to Gavi and he smiled shaking his head knowing exactly what I wanted

he held me up so I could get into the box with them, as soon as I got in I jumped the two of them hugging them tightly also making the box fall so now we could get out

"you know we could've gotten out?"said Julie

"what's the fun in that?" I asked happily then turned to Gavi "you knew"

he just shrugged with a smile and I went to hug him as Jul and Sira got out of the box

Ferran gave us all some pancakes

I held up a fork with pancakes to Gavi's mouth

"are they good?"he asked me after swallowing

"I don't know, I didn't taste them yet, you tell me, are they safe?" I teased as he rolled his eyes

"I'm not trying to poison you, eat"

"you could be"

"why would I?"

"you could be hired by the government to come and try to poison me because they can't control-"

"I'm not trying to kill you Lily" he cut me off laughing

"fine"I said narrowing my eyes at him jokingly then laughing

"I have to go, practice" he said looking at the time then pecking my lips before heading out



That One Game - Gavi storyWhere stories live. Discover now