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Gavi jumped off his chair and looked at me half asleep. Me trying to understand where I am, what's going on and who I am.

Gavi laughed a little at my reaction.

"Lily are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I feel very aliiiveee."

"Stop, you seriously got us all trying to get our shit together."

"I know Pedri just called me."

"Huh WHAT you called Pedri what did he say?" Gavi looked nervous.

"Nothing he just wanted to make sure I was alright, what happend to me anyways?" I asked

"You got out of the car to walk to your house and when you crossed the street a car hit you Pedri and I called the ambulance and they drove you to the hospital."

"Damn, driver is a baddie."

"I missed you Lily." Gavi said laughing

Someone suddenly entererd the room, we both look to see who it is was and we see a man with a somewhat young boy.

Until it hit me.

"Dad hi!" Lily smiled

Her family is here and they have no idea who I am, what I am to her and what I am doing here. They all hugged her.

"Who is that?" The young boy points at me

I didn't know if I could tell them, shut up or pretend to be a doctor.

"That's the love of my life, also the one who made sure I was alright."

"You!!? Mr, you're all over the news and stuff with Pedri.


"Oh wait sorry first hello! I'm sorry I'm still trying to work things out!"

"No problem, you are now like my second son!"

Lily's dad spoke, made me feel welcome, really great.

But why was I on the news.

"I'll give you some family time, I'll be away for a while!"

Lily made sure to say goodbye to me and I make my way out to check my phone.

There was a specific TV that usually shows morning news or old shows from far back but now the news was on.

"FC Barcelona players Pedri and Gavi saved person after car accident." The news reporter says.

Immediately I call Pedri to come right to the hospital. My phone was blowing up from the messages. Xavi texted me and he asked if Lily was the 'person'. I needed to win Xavi's trust so I told him everything. He was not mad he was pretty proud of me and Pedri. I asked him if he could try to get the picture offline and he answered with "already doing!"

Pedri had arrived.

"Bro, why do I always get photographed when I'm with Lily."

"Calm down, just go tell Lily that it's all over the news I think she needs to know."

"You'll need to wait her little brother and her dad are in her room right now but you can tell her. I am already dealing the picture with Xavi."

"Sure, it will be okay."

At that moment Lily's dad and her little brother get out. Her little brother comes up to us and asked for a photo and a autograph. Her dad said to him that's it's not the right time to do that right now but Pedri said it was okay.

This man thinks everything is 'okay'.

Lily's dad and I exchange each others number so we can text each other to get to know each other better.

Pedri and I got back to Lily's room.

"Wtf what is going on?!! You guys are on the news?!"

"Someone photographed me and Gavi when we tried to help you after the car accident.

"FC Barcelona players Pedri and Gavi saved person after car accident." That sentence in all over the morning news Lily. They don't know it's you but I think I won't take long till they see it's you. You know from the picture where we 'hold' each other hand.

"No-no-no, does Xavi know? Does anyone else know about this?"

"Yeah, Xavi told the whole team. Torres and De Jong are here I said they needed to wait outside. They got you all flowers. "

"Lily laughed.

Just go get some rest and me and Pedri will fix this. Well try to get the picture out of the air before you wake up. I said with a wink.

Pedri and I walked out of the room talked with Torres and De Jong and made a lot of calls.

I took a look in Lily's room and she slept very peaceful.

I got some coffee and tried to sleep on the chair in her room. Pedri was getting food for us 3.

I got a message from Xavi

XAVI: photo is gone now. Did you tell anyone who the 'person' was?
Thx! No I didnt :GAVI
Great! Now get some rest . Tell Pedri the same!
Goodnight boys I'll get to the hospital tomorrow!

All good, you too see you tomorrow! : GAVI


Many of the players visited Lily daily, especially Pedri, they for sure cried and laughed. I heard it behind the door

Although not long before Lily could be released and everything that was said about me and Pedri was finally somewhat shot down, but still pretty much 65% of the people here knew what we did

Again, who the fuck wouldnt.

That One Game - Gavi storyWhere stories live. Discover now