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Few months later

after i was released from the hospital people in my area started to notice that i was 'the' person from the video but I never confirmed. Xavi had accepted that Gavi was in love with me and tried to move on.


Later that night we all went to the club. Me, Gavi, Pedri, my best friends and a few others. We had a lot of fun. Gavi and I were with each other on the dance floor singing our lungs out that we lost pedri and the others in the crowded club.

we decided to go back to Gavi's apartment and text pedri that we went home. We got in the car and went to Gavi's apartment.

Next day

I woke up feeling someone's arms around me, I looked up to see gavi who was still asleep

he looked so perfect, I can't believe he liked me.

"you know it's creepy to watch someone sleep"he said making me roll my eyes at him

"Shut up, I want to eat" I groaned rolling off the bed as he laughed following me

We both got ready and went in the car to get some food. We left the appartement and went to a cafe where we got some pancakes for Pedri. As we drove back to the apartment we came across Ferran and Sira (his gf). We waved at them from the car and honked.

We got at Pedri's apartment .

Gavi opened the door with his key and loudly called for pedri who didn't respond.

We got to the kitchen and took out the pancakes

We had been chatting for while whilst eating some of the pancakes then pedri woke up and ran to the kitchen, he had thought a robber had broken in.

"what are you two doing here?"asked pedri

"oh uhm, I slept at Gavi's" I said with an awkward smile

"doesn't explain what you're doing here" Pedri said

"oh well you see, we, got hungry so we went getting some pancakes and our sweet hearts thought it would be nice to bring you some too" I explained to him

Gavi laughed

"you were to lazy to make your own food did you?"sighed pedri shaking his head

"Yup" shrugged Gavi along with me


"Pedri, Lily"

"We need to hurry, Photograph session at 10!


At Camp Nou

I got to the field with the boys and gave them some props for the pictures.

"Yo Lily, looking good today." Ferran said

"Shut up." I said sarcastic tone.

I made some pictures for the website and watched a bit of they're training. I was pretty tired from last night but tried not to show it.

"Ay Lily, you okay?" Lewa asked

"Yeah all good" I said showing 2 thumbs.

Session was done and Pedri, gavi, Ferran and i went to my home and went chilling. Julie and charlotte came by too.

the boys and julie stayed down stairs and Charlotte and i started to pack my bags for tomorrow. Tomorrow im going to Saudi Arabia for the copa final. Barca vs Real Madrid. El Clasico.

''so lily saw you looking at gavi, you like him?'' charlotte asked smiling.

''yes... but its just a little compilicated''

''no its not, hes cute you should ask him on a date. its sexy to make the first move''.

''hell no im doing that, what if he says no, i cant.

''do it your way Lily'' Charlotte said with a wink.

Packing almost done. We went downstairs again.

''What do you guys wanna eat tonight?" i asked

''uhm could you make your iconic pasta pesto'' Pedri said enthusiastic.

''yeah!! last time it was so delicious!!'' Ferran and Gavi said.


i looked in the fridge checking if i had all the ingredients. Julie and Pedri helped me cooking. We were done and it looked amazing. We all sat at the table eating and just talked about stupid stuff. Later that evening we did some karaoke and after that they all went home.

i showerd and went to bed. I cant wait for tomorrow!!


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