Twin loses

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

84 AC

For three days, Alyssa Targaryen screams of pain was heard through the Red Keep. It was all the ladies of the court could do to keep seven year old Viserys and three year old twins Daemon and Rhaena from running to their mother.

Alysanne eventually took Rhaena on a flight atop Silverwing on the third day. When Rhaena and Alysanne returned, Baelon was there, pale faced and trembling.

He picked her up tightly and held her close, carrying her through the castle and to her brothers.

Rhaena would never forget it when her father held all three of them so tightly it hurt, and told them of their mother's passing.

That night for the funeral, Viserys was unable to give the order for Meleys to burn his mother's pyre. Rhaena slipped closer and whispered 'Dracarys'.

Alyssa Targaryen body, so still and pale where it was once full of life and love, went up in the red flames of her loyal mount.

Six months later, when Rhaena visited Aegon's nursery, she noticed how still her little brother was.

Her screams brought the entire family to her.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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